11 ) Share Donald Marshall ’ s document disclosures
Link : https :// drive . google . com / folderview ? id = 0B6uNZqRUN8ceQnRRaGI1VEk2Nm8 & usp = drive _ web The purpose of these document disclosures which mirror Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline is that they are written with the aim of helping newcomers to this information understand quickly , that it is REM driven human cloning technology that Donald Marshall and the populace are unsuspectingly tormented by , whereby Donald Marshall has been a victim of REM driven human cloning technology for over 30 plus years . Therefore , awareness about this topic must be raised extremely quickly , and awareness about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture must be quickly realised by the majority of the populace with regards to the clandestine operation of governments and their highly advanced technologies wielded against the populace unsuspectingly ! Furthermore , these documents allow others to share much information , to multiple platforms : Twitter , Facebook , Instagram etc . The documents also allow people the opportunity to download this information to their devices ; print hard copies of this information , and share hard copies of this information on a range of topics related to the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , instead of just sharing one post on online platforms , for which others may not understand straight away , or get confused by the post , if they are new to the information of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture .
Furthermore , these documents allow others to read a whole range of information , and research the information being presented , because there are multiple sources provided and this gives others the opportunity to form a better informed opinion concerning the topic of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture . These documents are also FREE , and provide a great introduction and explanation concerning the information of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , and allows newcomers the opportunity to understand the relevance of the information being presented , whereby once a person finishes reading the information presented in each series of the short documents , the reader can resume by visiting Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline , and continue to read this information , from the point the document series ends . Moreover , because these documents are FREE , feel free to share these documents and the links to these documents EVERYWHERE and among many people who are looking for this information , and are ready for this information . We are not all active on the same websites or online platforms , nor are we all active in the same activists groups ; therefore , by sharing these disclosure documents on the online platforms , and activists groups which YOU frequent , you will ensure many , many more people learn about the information concerning the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , and the world in which we currently live in .
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