Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 194

6 ) Join activist groups exposing the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture
These activist groups have been listed in this document on pages 174 - 176 – and they are great for conversing and discussing this disclosure with like minded people . Share relevant information to these activist groups , and your information will be re-shared by the right audience .
Invite like-minded people to join activist groups helping to expose this information
This disclosure depends on the populace ; therefore , invite more like-minded people to these activist groups and their contributions will help towards the overall exposure of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture .
) Sign and share the petitions listed
Link : https :// www . change . org / p / stop-human-cloning-by-sharisse-franklin Link : http :// www . thepetitionsite . com / en-gb / 952 / 622 / 178 / end-human-cloning . -rem-driven-humancloning ./
Copy and paste each link above to your web browser or simply “ click ” ( press Ctrl + Click , on computer device ) each image above to be guided to each petition . By signing and sharing these petitions you will help to raise further awareness on the websites these petitions are listed on . You will also help to raise further awareness between your friends list on your social networks and any activist groups for which you are a member of , when you sign and share these petitions which help raise awareness about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture . Furthermore , it is possible to sign these petitions “ Anonymously ”, as well as make “ Anonymous ” comments on the websites these petitions are listed on . Therefore , sign and share the two petitions listed here and this will count as one of the BARE MINIMUM STEPS you can take with helping to expose the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture .
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