Continue to read Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline
Donald Marshall ’ s disclosures regarding his experiences of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , becomes easier to understand for people at approximately March to May 2013 on Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline . From having read from March 2012 to approximately May 2013 on Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline , and reading and watching the corroborative articles and videos displayed on Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline ; at approximately March 2013 to May 2013 on Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline is when people start to see the interconnectedness between Donald Marshall ’ s disclosures and the world in which they live in . At this point , some people even have flashbacks form their childhood , whereby the life they experienced as a child , in terms of the cartoons , television shows , movies , books etc . which was experienced as a child , is now in their conscious forefront , and they can now remember television shows , books , movies , cartoons etc . which referenced human cloning , consciousness transfer to a substrate body etc , all of which are referenced in their favourite childhood memories . This is when people REALLY start to understand the significance of Donald Marshall ’ s disclosures , and people begin to realise and KNOW with certainty that Donald Marshall is speaking real truths .
When you have reached the point where you now know with certainty that Donald Marshall is telling the truth with regards to his disclosures about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , this is where you are likely to feel an overwhelming sense of responsibility to do the right thing , and help this disclosure meet its full conclusion and reach a point whereby the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture is worldly known and fully exposed . At this point , when you know and understand this information with a much clearer level of certainty , and you have seen and experienced too many , many corroborations to this disclosure , for it to be mere happenstance or coincidence , this is the stage where you must share Donald Marshall ’ s disclosures relating to the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture on YOUR Facebook Timeline .
Share Donald Marshall ’ s posts to your Facebook Timeline
Understandably , some people cannot share Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook posts on their Facebook page because it might jeopardise their employment [ or * insert other reasons here *]. People such as this should join social networking activist groups which help with the exposure of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , and the information you share to these activist groups helping to expose the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , will be appreciated and re-shared by many like-minded people . Some of these activist groups helping to expose the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture have been listed on pages 174 - 176 of this document .
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