Aliens in the Illuminati May 23 rd 2012 Phil Schneider ; Grey Aliens ; Outer-Space Aliens & Ancient Sumer & Babylonia
3SG1 : Donald , do you have any information on Phil Schneider ; was Phil Schneider a legitimate source , in regards to the information he provided to the public , or was Phil Schneider just another form of DISINFORMATION , and lying about the GREY [ alien ] ATTACKS ?
DM : [ I am not sure about ] Phil Schneider [ and his information currently , however as far as I am presently aware ], must have been lying [ to the public ] because there are not any grey aliens [ as far as I am currently aware ]... Flying saucers on the other hand , are man-made technologies ( the information on flying saucers has been detailed in Volume 1 of “ Exposing the Illuminati ’ s REM driven Human Cloning Subculture ” ( Marshall 2016b , pp . 104 -106 )). Moreover , as REM driven clone versions of themselves , the Illuminati REM driven clones , told me everything [ plenty of information ], over the course of the years I was unwillingly activated as a REM driven clone at the hands of the Illuminati , and as a consequence the Illuminati REM driven clones shared plenty of information with me regarding flying saucers , as well as , information on aliens ... and there are no greys [ aliens ]... so in tha t respect Phil Schneider is disinformation ... However , there are a couple of [ reptilian ] scaly creatures , but that information is Phase Four information ; and trust me , if people are feeling shocked and overwhelmed , by the reality of REM driven human cloning / the reality of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , whereby original people go to sleep only to wake up as cloned versions of themselves , people are not going to want to know about the [ reptilian ] scaly creatures until there are at least 100,000 people informed about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , and at least 100,000 people around us actively helping to expose the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , because people will feel much safer and confident once our numbers increase ; and there is safety in numbers .
Furthermore , the [ reptilian ] scaly creatures are not from space ; they are terrestrial creatures ( of this planet ). The Illuminati have never made contact with outer-space aliens [ as far as I am aware ]. The only things the Illuminati REM driven clones have told me in regards to outer-space aliens , when I have been unwillingly activated as REM driven cloned version of myself , over the years , at the cloning center , is that : the Illuminati knows that the Ancient Sumerians and Ancient Babylonians [ claimed they ] were visited by ancient aliens / gods from the sky in “ Chariots of fire ”... However the Illuminati have told me ( as a REM driven clone version of myself ) that they ( the Illuminati ) suspect that the leadership of the Ancient Sumerians and Ancient Babylonians fabricated the story of ancient aliens / gods from the skies in “ Chariots of fire ” in order to control the ignorant masses of the time period , and demonstrate to the ignorant masses who have always questioned the existence of god or gods , through the use of physical [ fabricated ] evidence , and representing physical beings ( aliens ) as god / gods in order to convince the masses there is god / gods and ‘ an afterlife ’ [ in order to further use religions as a control mechanism ].
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