Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 104

[ Donald Marshall is 36 years old here when he made the above statements . The important notes to take from his comments are that he is not bragging or trying to be cool ; he is simply detailing fact , which happens to be based on the reality that because of the songs which he was forced to compose as a REM driven human clone version of himself since age 5 , this is the main reason he was allowed to learn about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , and in return ( for composing songs ) the Illuminati REM driven clones disclosed Illuminati secrets to Donald Marshall because the Illuminati REM driven clones were in awe of the songs Donald Marshall was composing .
Moreover , when Donald Marshall first had his consciousness transferred to his REM driven clone duplicate at age 5 , Donald Marshall would think that he had been kidnapped ... and he was experiencing life in his actual body , and not in a REM driven clone body . Furthermore , as a result of being afraid and finding himself suddenly in an unknown location , as a REM driven clone version of himself , Donald Marshall pleaded with the Illuminati REM driven clones , who in return turned to Donald Marshall asking “ If he had any sort of use , and whether he could sing or dance ?”; because Donald Marshall feared for his life during such an ordeal , this resulted in vasodilatation ( a massive rush of blood to his head ) ( The Naked Scientists 2009 ), as well as , Donald Marshall producing large amounts of adrenaline ( in his REM driven clone body ), whereby as a result , Donald Marshall sang an original song freestyle , from start to finish , in the hopes that his capturers would let him free / spare him , as a child REM driven clone version of himself at age 5 . Since that moment , Donald Marshall has been forced to compose songs as a REM driven clone version of himself , when he is unwillingly activated as a REM driven clone at the cloning center by the Illuminati REM driven clones , or suffer punishment and torture as a REM driven human clone version of himself .
Therefore , because Donald Marshall was forced as a REM driven clone to compose songs on behalf of the Illuminati , or suffer the consequences of REM driven human clone torture , which affects him in his original body ( because consciousness is linked ( Ehrsson 2013 )), he means it when he says “ He is not bragging or trying to be cool ”, and in actuality Donald Marshall is embarrassed that he has helped a group of contemptible , evil , greedy and power hungry individuals profit immensely through his talent .
Furthermore it must be stressed that when Donald Marshall says he composed an absurd amount of songs as a REM driven clone version of himself from the cloning center , he MEANS an absurd amount of songs ! The simple reason is this : there are 365.25 days in a year ( 0.25 accounts for leap years ), multiplied by 31 years ( because Donald Marshall was 5 years old when he first started to compose songs as a REM driven human clone version of himself ; 36 take away 5 = 31 ) equals 11322.75 ! Consequently , with the possibility that Donald Marshall averaged just 1 song a day , 365.25 days a year over the course of 31 years , this would mean Donald Marshall has composed as much as over 11,000 songs , over the course of 31 one years , whereby he was forced as a REM driven human clone version of himself to compose songs on behalf of the Illuminati , or be tortured as a REM driven clone version of himself !
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