Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 5 | Page 71

Furthermore , Vladimir Putin is the closest thing to the Anti-Christ on this earth ; he is COMPLETELY against humanity . Do not fall for the over-hyped , and over sensationalised news stories which glamorises Vladimir Putin ; it is all part of a grand deception , which is being orchestrated from behind the scenes as REM driven clones at the cloning center .
Vladimir Putin controls United States President , Barrack Obama , and United states President Barrack Obama , MUST do as Vladimir Putin says , when he says . United States President , Barrack Obama , is Vladimir Putin ’ s tool , to be used by Vladimir Putin , as and how Vladimir Putin pleases . The news stories which glamorises Vladimir Putin , and makes United States President , Barrack Obama to be incompetent or the bad guy , is deliberate . It is totally set-up and designed that way ; United States President , Barrack Obama , and Vladimir Putin , Russian President , discuss these stratagems as REM driven clone versions of themselves at the cloning center , to be executed in real life on the world stage when they are both experiencing life in their original bodies , and not as REM driven clones . United States President , Barrack Obama , and Vladimir Putin are as bad as each other , because they are both involved in undermining humanity , and enslaving humanity . However , as it has already been mentioned , United States President Barrack Obama is totally controlled , and he must do what other people such as , Vladimir Putin ( Queen Elizabeth II , Chinese representatives , Arab representatives , and Israeli representatives ) tell him to do , and for this reason I like United States President , Barrack Obama a little bit more than I do Vladimir Putin , and they both know this . Vladimir Putin , o n the other hand is one of the worst persons on the face of this earth . He is a monster . Place NO trust , whatsoever in Vladimir Putin ; he is an abuser of the worst kind ! Vladimir Putin , will also control whoever wins the upcoming United States Presidential elections , just like the current United States President , Barrack Obama is now completely controlled ; whoever wins the U . S . Presidential elections is a tool for the Illuminati to use .
Furthermore , as a REM driven clone version of himself , Vladimir Putin likes to have sex with little boys who practice martial arts and have unsuspectingly had their consciousnesses transferred from their original bodies to their REM driven clone duplicates whenever they enter REM sleep , at their homes in bed , for Vladimir Putin as a REM driven clone version of himself to victimise these boys as REM driven clone versions , in terrible , terrible ways at the cloning center . Vladimir Putin is completely evil ; as a REM driven clone version of himself at the cloning center , Vladimir Putin has previously beat my mother ’ s head at the cloning center ( my mother was also a REM driven clone version of herself ). Not even Queen Elizabeth II as a REM driven clone version of herself , will mess with Vladimir Putin as a REM driven clone or go against his word , when they are activated as REM driven clone versions at the cloning center , because this IS how evil Vladimir Putin REALLY is ; even Queen Elizabeth II is terrified of him , and if you have read Queen Elizabeth II ’ s profile ( in this document ), and you realise how terrible Queen Elizabeth II is when she believes she is operating in complete secrecy ..., well ... Vladimir Putin is a whole differently level of “ terrible ”; he is a complete and utter evil monster . Avoid Vladimir Putin at all costs .
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