Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 5 | Page 54

The shutdown of the cloning centers hinges on Queen Elizabeth II and other Royal families and the power ( Illuminati ) families who attend the cloning centers as REM driven copies of their original selves .
Everyone attending the cloning centers as REM driven clone versions of themselves is scared of Queen Elizabeth II because anyone who speaks up for me gets yelled at and threatened by Queen Elizabeth II as a REM driven clone , or another loyal Illuminati member will yell and threaten anyone who speaks up for me at the cloning center . After Bernie Mac was murdered at the hands of Queen Elizabeth II from the cloning center , everyone is scared to speak against Queen Elizabeth II as a REM driven clone when they are activated as a REM driven clone at the cloning center . Furthermore , Queen Elizabeth II as a REM driven clone version of herself , at the cloning center , has stated “ If any public person speaks out , they will die !” Therefore , public figures cannot openly discuss this topic of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture , although many public figures are involved , and know exactly what is going on . Public figures cannot openly warn the populace , because they fear what Queen Elizabeth II and her cronies may do to them for openly voicing their distaste for the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture , – so they hint . It is NOW up to the ordinary man and woman to end the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture . Furthermore , Queen Elizabeth II has a nuclear bomb installed at the cloning centre which she can press at any time to wreck havoc on the world unsuspectingly . Thankfully , I managed to convince Elizabeth II not to do such a silly thing . The technological advantages and weaponry at Queen Elizabeth II ’ s disposal is why other REM driven clones at the cloning center follow Queen Elizabeth II ’ s every whim without question .
This is why public figures are depending on the ordinary man and woman as well as a large percent of the populace to voice their distaste for the Illuminati ’ s REM driven c loning subculture and help spread the information regarding the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture as far , wide and as fast as possible .
It is imperative this message spreads as far and as quickly as possible because Queen Elizabeth II is still cloning the populaces ’ children and she continues to suck on children as REM driven clones at the cloning center . Basically , this is what Queen Elizabeth II does and is currently doing to children who have their consciousness transferred to their REM driven clone alternatives while they sleep . I am sorry if it sounds disgusting , but that is generally what the hag ( Queen Elizabeth II ) does as a REM driven clone of herself at the cloning center . As a REM driven clone , sometimes Queen Elizabeth II tortures random children who are unsuspectingly activated as REM driven clones at the cloning center . It is very surreal . There are hundreds of REM driven clones all sitting in the stands , watching , afraid to do anything for fear of what may happen to them at the hands of Queen Elizabeth II ; therefore I must tell the world about what this hideous woman is REALLY like , and I must detail the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture and you the reader , HAVE to be brave enough to spread this message by telling everyone possible about this critical information . The populace MUST shut down the cloning centers . I want to see Queen Elizabeth II ( the original and NOT ANY of her clones ) answer to the world for what she ’ s been doing and allowing others ( Illuminati members ) to do to the populace .
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