Oprah Winfrey , Television Talk Show Host
Oprah Winfrey attends the cloning center as a REM driven clone version of herself when she goes to sleep , through the process of consciousness transfer from her original body to her duplicate REM driven clone . Oprah Winfrey is a replicated re-animated clone , and Oprah Winfrey was cloned from the remains of an ancient Egyptian . The remains Oprah Winfrey is cloned from , is approximately over 5000 years old . In other words , Oprah Winfrey was cloned using the method of replication cloning , for which replicated clones start life off as a baby , and Oprah Winfrey is also a re-animated clone , because re-animated clones are clones from the remains of dead people , who once lived on this earth . Moreover , because Oprah Winfrey is a replicated reanimated clone , Oprah Winfrey ’ s DNA blueprint is identical to that of an ancient Egyptian who lived over 5000 years ago .
There are many re-animated clones currently walking on the surface of the earth as a consequence of the Illuminati ’ s cloning technologies . Furthermore , although Oprah Winfrey is in actuality a re-animated replicated clone , she also has Mark 2 REM ( sleep ) driven clones . Therefore , Oprah Winfrey is a clone , who gets activated as Mark 2 REM driven , duplicate clone , whenever her replicated reanimated cloned body sleeps , and enters REM sleep , whereby Oprah Winfrey ’ s consciousness is transferred from her replicated reanimated clone body , to her Mark 2 REM ( sleep ) driven clone body , and Oprah Winfrey continues to experience life on the same earth , only this time as a Mark 2 REM driven clone , and not as replicated reanimated clone during her waking life . Furthermore , Oprah Winfrey attends the cloning center as a REM driven , duplicate clone version of herself , frequently . As a REM driven human clone version of herself , Oprah Winfrey victimised me terribly whenever I was activated as a REM driven human clone version of myself at the cloning center by the savagery of the Illuminati .
I was also forced into positions by the Illuminati REM driven clones , whereby I would be activated as a REM driven human clone version of myself , and I would be coerced into having REM driven clone sex with a REM driven clone version of Oprah Winfrey or face torture as a REM driven clone version of myself , by the Illuminati REM driven clones . I cannot wait until Oprah Winfrey is dead !
Moreover , I would NOT do an interview with Oprah Winfrey . The reasons I would NOT do an interview with Oprah Winfrey is because of the reasons listed above and similar to the reasons listed for why I would not appear on David Letterman ’ s show .
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