Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 5 | Page 40

Concerning the Lockerbie bombing incident ... I did not expect Muammar Gaddafi to be present at the cloning center as a REM driven clone version of himself speaking to Queen Elizabeth II as REM driven clones , because of the Lockerbie bombing ; they are supposed to hate each other ... However , Muammar Gaddafi was attending the cloning center as a REM driven clone version of himself before Muammar Gaddafi ordered the Lockerbie bombing , which happened in 1988 . Therefore , one would think that Muammar Gaddafi would be scared to order the Lockerbie bombing when he is also a cloning center attendee , as a REM driven clone version of himself ; I genuinely thought Muammar Gaddafi would be scared to order the Lockerbie bombing because of the deterrent of REM driven clone torture .
However , if the Illuminati REM driven clones were going to clone torture Gaddafi , Gaddafi would have told the world about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture . Furthermore , the Illuminati members also had one of Gaddafi ’ s ‘ REALLY , REALLY ’ close friends imprisoned as a REM driven clone at the cloning center , and I guess Muammar Gaddafi must have got ‘ fruity ’ with his friend at times as REM driven clones at the cloning center , and Muammar Gaddafi wanted his friend back really badly , and so Gaddafi told the other Illuminati REM driven clones “ If you do not let me have him back , I ’ m going to keep on bombing , and I ’ m going to tell the world about REM driven cloning and they will all pounce on you [ Queen Elizabeth II ], and they might pounce on me , but they will get you too ... and I ’ m getting my friend back and you better give him back ...” – and the Illuminati members gave Muammar Gaddafi ’ s friend back to him after Gaddafi made that threat .
After Muammar Gaddafi got his friend back , the crowd of REM driven clone onlookers , as well as , the other Illuminati REM driven clones said “ Oh my God ; why are you giving Gaddafi his friend back ?!” – and the Illuminati members who approved the decision to give Gaddafi his friend back to him , fabricated an excuse that : “ It was for international relations ” – but in actuality , it was to prevent Muammar Gaddafi from speaking publicly about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture .
Natalie Portman , Actress
American and Israeli actress Natalie Portman attends the cloning center as a REM driven clone version of herself when she goes to sleep , through the process of consciousness transfer from her original body to her duplicate REM driven clone . Natalie Portman also knows all there is to know about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven , human cloning subculture ; as does approximately 25 % of the “ Star Wars ” cast .
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