Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 5 | Page 12

The Illuminati even made a Simpson ’ s episode ( H . J . Simpson 2015 ) about this Illuminati / New World Order ( NWO ) election situation , whereby the aliens Kang and Kodos were dressed in costumes and on the surface appeared to look like Bob Dole and Bill Clinton to an unsuspecting crowd , until Homer Simpson removed the face masks to reveal that , it is in fact aliens dressed as Bob Dole and Bill Clinton , and their election system is a fraud ... because whoever wins is still an alien ... In reality , whoever wins the U . S . Presidential election will still be controlled by the prime evil Illuminati members . Furthermore , the newly elected U . S . President will NOT have any say whatsoever at the cloning center whenever he or she is activated as a REM driven clone , and he or she will HAVE to do exactly as he or she is told by the prime evil Illuminati members , just like United States President , Barrack Obama HAS to do exactly as he is told by the prime evil Illuminati members : Queen Elizabeth II , Vladimir Putin , as well as , Chinese representatives , Arab representatives , and Israeli representatives .
In 2009 , United States President , Barrack Obama , and his wife , as REM driven clone versions of themselves , thought of a sick joke when they were activated as REM driven clones at the cloning center , which involved having the Obama administration instigate a low level flight of the Air Force One plane over New York City , on Monday April 27 th 2009 ( City Room 2009 ), eight years after the 9 / 11 World Trade Center Bombings simply to terrify people ! President Barrack Obama and his administration did this simply because they could , and then told the public after the incident occurred , that it was a ‘ photo opportunity ’ for the Air Force One plane , however , no pictures were taken ( City Room 2009 ).
Furthermore , President Obama ( and his wife Michelle Obama ) had the audio recordings of voice calls of frightened people sent to the cloning center , and as a REM driven clone versions of himself activated at the cloning center , United States President , Barrack Obama , ( his wife Michelle Obama and others ) listened to these frantic phone calls from the public and he laughed hysterically , as people phoned emergency lines in panic and yelled “ Al- Qaeda , Al-Qaeda , has more planes !”. New York ’ s emergency phone call lines were flooded with calls from terrified people on the morning of Monday the 27 th of April 2009 ( City Room 2009 ) because of the United States President , Barrack Obama ’ s sick joke !
Moreover , when I was unwillingly activated as a REM driven clone at the cloning center , that evening when I went to sleep , as a REM driven clone version of himself , United States President , Barrack Obama turned to look at me and said “ Donny we [ the Illuminati ] are all powerful ! If we can do this [ have a plane fly unannounced , low altitude over the site where 9 / 11 happened and terrify the public ] and nothing comes of it , how are you going to be able to get us [ the Illuminati ]? You are a [ REM driven clone ] slave and the people here [ other people who are activated as REM driven clones and used as slaves ; decent people who are public figures : such as political , rich , and celebrity figures who are actually against the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture and also activated as REM driven clones at the cloning center when they go to sleep ] won ’ t speak up for you for fear of [ REM driven clone ] torture and death [ in their real bodies , as a result of REM driven clone torture which will be exerted on their REM driven clones if the decent people at the cloning center defend Donald Marshall ]. Then as a REM driven clone version of himself , United States , President Barrack Obama ’ s next words were “ Now make us [ the Illuminati ] a new song or we ’ ll gut you [ as a REM driven clone version of yourself ] like a fish and leave you [ as a REM driven clone , unwillingly activated at the cloning center ] to writhe in agony !”
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