Paranormal Central ® ( May 29 th 2016 ) ( Paranormal Central 2016b )
Link : https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = Yq5mXvKQctI Running time : 79 minutes ( 1 hour , 19 minutes , 17 seconds )
[ Donald Marshall is the first of three guests to appear on the show . Donald Marshall ’ s interview ends at the 1 hour , 19 minutes , and 17 seconds mark of the video playback ].
Brett Wayne Pachmeyer & Cole Johnson ( March 21 st 2014 ) ( Astral 7ight 2014a )
Link : https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = X4Gvnr9Yq3M Running time : 54 minutes ( 54 minutes , 09 seconds )
Donald Marshall ’ s First Interview ( May 10 th 2012 ) ( Astral 7ight 2015 )
Link : https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = zh2u9x1E _ To Running time : 46 minutes ( 46 minutes , 40 seconds ) 57 | P a g e