Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 4 | Page 42

DM : As REM driven cloned alternatives , Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele sit in the front row seats of the arena , just behind the hockey boards , and they look afraid . As REM driven clone versions of themselves , when I , as a REM driven cloned version of myself looked over in their direction of Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele ( as REM driven cloned alternatives , at the cloning center ), one person of the duo yelled at me “ Donny f ** k !” – and I replied , trying to be reassuring , “ No , it takes five months [ to be grown as a REM driven clone duplicate , from a blood sample ]”. Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele as REM driven clone alternatives at the cloning center respond in anguish by stating “ No ! [ it has not been five months ] They [ the Illuminati ] pulled us out [ our REM driven clone duplicates ] of the tank [ the cloning tubes ] early Don !” Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele as REM driven cloned versions , then started to blame me for their peril , stating “ It hurts Don ” [ to be pulled out of the cloning tube early and to have one ’ s consciousness transferred to a REM driven clone which has not yet fully developed ], “ We f ***** g hate you Don !”. As a REM driven clone version of myself , I apologised to Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele who were deformed REM driven clones , by saying “ I am sorry , I was told [ by the Illuminati REM driven clones ] that it takes five months [ to grow original people as REM driven clone duplicates ], I [ forewarned you ] told you that !”
Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele had been grown as REM driven clone duplicates for approximately two or three months , and I do not know the reason ( s ) for their distorted appearances [ in comparison to their original bodies ], however , as REM driven cloned alternatives of themselves , Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele looked haggard , wrinkly and disgusting . Furthermore , the skin of their REM driven cloned bodies had hardened a little , as if it were the skin of deceased bodies . Moreover , as REM driven cloned alternatives Lenny Bloom ’ s and Jane Steele ’ s REM driven cloned eyes started to look around the arena of the cloning center and the two said to me as a REM driven clone version of myself “ We cannot help you Donny [ expose the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ]”. “ We have seen video clips of you [ from the cloning center , Donald Marshall ] and you really are something ... but they [ the Illuminati ] will torture us [ as REM driven cloned versions of ourselves , if we , Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele , were to help expose the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture ]”...
As REM driven cloned versions of themselves , because Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele had their REM driven duplicate cloned bodies removed from the cloning tubes after approximately two to three months , and appeared haggard , wrinkly , disgusting and with hardened skin , Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele looked scary as REM driven clone duplicate alternatives , which I had never seen as a REM driven clone version of myself at the cloning center before . After Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele had stated that they could not help me expose the Illuminati , because of the fear of reprisal Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele may face as REM driven cloned versions ; as a wrinkly and disgusting REM driven cloned version of himself , Lenny Bloom hopped over the hockey boards in the cloning center arena , and shuffled towards a REM driven clone version of myself , and Lenny Bloom as a REM driven clone , and started punching me in my REM driven clone face .
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