Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 4 | Page 28

May 15 th 2012 Tila Tequila suffers at the hands of the Illuminati members
DM : The Illuminati members are now messing with Tila Tequila , when she is activated as a REM driven clone version of herself at the cloning center . The Illuminati members are also messing with Tila Tequila in her real life . The Illuminati members are messing with Tila Tequila because Tila Tequila no longer wants to be a REM driven clone sex slave when she goes to sleep ( which happens through the process of consciousness transfer from her original body to her REM driven clone , where she must have ( REM driven clone ) sex at the cloning center , as REM driven clone version of herself , while her original ( real ) body sleeps ) in exchange for fame and fortune ( in real life ) that she received from the Illuminati . Tila Tequila wants to leave the Illuminati REM driven cloning subculture now , and no longer wishes to be a REM driven clone sex slave . Tila Tequila wants to stop being a REM driven clone sex slave now ; and not when she is much older and her physical looks have faded ; Tila Tequila wants to stop being a REM driven clone sex slave now . The Illuminati members are making an example of Tila Tequila when she is activated as a REM driven clone version of herself at the cloning center and in real life . The Illuminati members are making an example of Tila Tequila so that no other ‘ Hollywood whores ’ [ people who agreed to be REM driven cloned sex slaves in exchange for promotion ] would follow suit .
You “ sold your soul ” Tila [ in other words , the use of her REM driven clone to the Illuminati , to be used by the Illuminati however the Illuminati pleases ]. You sold your soul Tila ... to Queen Elizabeth II ... good luck getting it back . I will help Tila Tequila talk about the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture ; maybe even save her life . Tila Tequila knows me ; and as a REM driven clone version of herself Tila Tequila has watched me as a REM driven clone version of myself make songs at the cloning center . Tila Tequila as a REM driven clone version of herself has also watched me get tortured at the cloning center when I have been activated as a REM driven clone . You better hurry and start talking Tila ...
3SG1 : Her plight has been going on for a while ; years .
3SG2 : Each story makes me sadder . It must end [ the Illuminati ’ s REM driven cloning subculture must end ]!
3SG3 : She [ Tila Tequila ] wasn ' t even that famous . Did you send her a [ Facebook ] friend request ?
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