Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 4 | Page 22

May 9 th 2012
The Illuminati REM driven clones resume torturing Donald Marshall as a REM driven clone
DM : Well ... the Illuminati REM driven clones got me badly when I was activated me as a REM driven clone at the cloning center ( through the process of consciousness transfer from my original body to my REM driven clone located at the cloning center ) last night . I am in the process of getting internet connection and a tablet . I will mail with vengeance once I have internet connection and a tablet . Stick with me guys , this is going to work .
I will be detailing my recent REM driven cloning experiences at the cloning center when I receive the tablet . Furthermore , someone is supposedly coming to visit me tomorrow night and video record me with a good camera . You can then have a clear look at me ; people will then be able to verify that I look more like the image on the Megadeth Album cover “ The World Needs A Hero ” ( 2001 ). Things are going well . I will upload the video recordings taken of me , as soon as possible , once the video recordings are completed . May 9 , 2012 at 10:37pm
3SG1 : Sorry to hear that they did it again , Donny . I am still walking with you and sharing what I can , where I can .
3SG2 : I am sorry to hear this ... Make sure you do whatever you can to continue exposing these evil f *** s !
DM : The video will be made as soon as possible and posted as soon as possible . Hi 3SG1 , and thank you for your efforts . 3SG2 you know I will . I have no choice really ... May 10 , 2012 at 4:03pm
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