How Donald Marshall gets to the cloning center from home
3SG1: I have read about Tila Tequila in the past. Tila Tequila tried to turn against them and
they punished her! So when you fall asleep, do you automatically go there? How do you get
to the cloning center from your home? God, it is awful!
DM: A person’s original (real) body stays asleep in their bed. Through the process of
consciousness transfer, a person’s consciousness is transferred by the Illuminati once the
person reaches REM stage of sleep (which is approximately 90-110 minutes after first falling
asleep), from their original (real) body which lays in bed asleep, to their REM driven clone
located at a remote location here on 3D physical earth, and the person then opens their REM
driven clone eyes at a remote location far away from where they are sleeping (the cloning
center). When a person wakes up from sleeping in real life their REM driven clone drops limp
at the cloning center, because an original person’s consciousness overrides the consciousness
of a REM driven clone. When a person goes to sleep the next night, and the person reaches
REM sleep, the Illuminati transfers that person’s consciousness to their REM clone located at
the cloning center the following night. It’s as easy as that. May 15, 2012 at 6:50pm ·
The effects of REM driven clone torture on a person’s original (real) body
The side effects of REM driven clone torture
3SG1: When you say you are being tortured, do you mean your [REM driven] clone is being
DM: Yes, the Illuminati are only torturing my [REM driven] clone but it gives me side
effects in my original body because consciousness is linked (see Ehrsson 2013, for a
demonstration on consciousness transfer and how consciousness is linked). REM driven clone
torture causes different side effects for different people. REM driven clone torture damages a
person’s heart if the torture of the person’s REM driven clone(s) is carried out consistently. It
will cause the person to have an aneurysm or heart attack in their original body the next day
(because consciousness is linked; Petkova and Ehrsson 2008; Ehrsson 2013). The Illuminati
monitor my vital signs at the cloning center and keep my heart on the brink of a heart attack
(in my original body)... they keep their torture just on the brink of giving me a heart attack in
my original body. The Illuminati torture me just enough not to kill me in my original body.
The intermittent torture over the years has messed up my heart in my original body badly
now. I am healthy everywhere else, but I have only just started showing all the early warning
signs for a stroke, and I am only 36. The Illuminati are getting more confident because there
is no global panic or riots or masses of people demanding polygraph tests to get to the bottom
of this. Because people are not spreading these truths about the Illuminati in their thousands,
the Illuminati have renewed the torture of my REM driven clones at the cloning center. The
Illuminati have began their torture of my REM driven clones at the cloning center harshly
now, to show the other REM driven clones at the cloning center that this is what will happen
to you if you start talking about REM driven clones and human cloning publicly... I could
barely make it to the library to message on Facebook today... because I am feeling so weak in
my original body.
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