that it reaches personnel in the armed forces ASAP! I want the armed forces to overthrow
these corrupt people. The Illuminati think they are very sly and untouchable because together
they hold most of the wealth in the world. We must show them that they are not untouchable.
Please do all you can, to share and spread this message. It is the most important message to
ever reach the internet because it affects all our liberties.
I must also address the readers who may feel afraid in spreading my message because they
may want to do the right thing, but they are terrified the Illuminati may degrade or end their
lives. As unbelievable as the next thing I am going to share sounds, it is a belief system which
shapes the reality of the Illuminati and therefore they themselves are afraid to do anything
which may degrade their lives or ‘eternal soul’.
They believe that they are the ‘fornicators’ mentioned in The Bible, and if they were to
degrade or harm the lives of anyone aiding me, they would suffer the wrath of God when they
die. Notice I said when they die, but so long as they are still alive they can do all the evil
they like, with little consequence, as they do in their REM driven clone versions at the
cloning centre; worshipping Lucifer and doing all sorts of ungodly things. They even say God
does not exist, only science and technology; yet they are afraid of dying. Very afraid of
dying; because they believe they’ll meet God’s judgement. I’m just relaying what they have
told me. They are weird like that. They also follow Hopi Indian Prophecy, Maya n Prophecy
and Nostradamus Prophecy. They mix and match those three prophecies and come up with
their own religion of what may or may not happen in the future.
Donald Marshall is NOT “The New Age Saviour”. Nobody wants to be a
Furthermore, THEY believe I am a new age saviour for the end times; that I was going to
save the world from something, according to the Nostradamus prophecy (quatrains); the
Illuminati consider Nostradamus the greatest prophet ever Ѽ