living. The more money they make to keep up with the cost of living, the less
competitive they become in the world economy. So now what happens is that we have
to pay our workers so much to keep up with the cost of living; and then they (elite;
government; corporations etc.) say screw the American worker, let’s go overseas now
to get the cheap labour.
The inflation the Federal Reserve has created has now allowed other countries to
outcompete us. Other countries do not have to pay as much money as we have to pay
to our workers to survive. So now we are not competitive anymore and we have lost
our manufacturing base. We have lost our competitive edge.
“Freedom to Fascism” is a documentary that everybody should see. Russo and his
team show the fraud of the income tax; they show how Judges put people into jail for
no reason; they show the corruption of the justice system. They show how the Federal
Reserve came into being and how it is controlling society and how all the central
banks are working together through the bank of International Settlements, in
Switzerland which is the central bank for all central banks and how all are working
together to create this one world government; this o ne world order; which is what they
are trying to do.
The Deception of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR)
Russo was interested in joining the Council of Foreign Relations, but he found out
from Rockefeller himself, that part of the end goal of the CFR is to get everyone
RFID chipped. To control the whole society and have the elite people (bankers,
government etc.) controlling the world. Russo asked Rockefeller “Do all the people in
the CFR believe the way that you do?” Rockefeller said “No, no, no. Most of them
believe they are doing the right thing. A lot of them believe it is better off being
socialistic. We have to convince people that socialism is really capitalism. ” Because
America is becoming a socialistic country; it is a communist country today.
Russo’s friendship with Rockefeller became one where they would share thoughts,
ideas and philosophies and Rockefeller wanted Russo to become a part of what they
were doing [enslavement agenda], and for Russo to become a member of the CFR;
Rockefeller offered various business opportunities for Russo to get involved in the
CFR and to not take up the fight or the battle that Russo had been taking up in the
past. Rockefeller wanted Russo to drop the idea of helping the people; because “What
was the point in Russo fighting for the people?” Rockefeller would question.
Russo asked Rockefeller: Do all the people of the Council of Foreign Relations feel
the same way you feel? Rockefeller said “A lot of them think they are doing the right
thing, they think that socialism is the best way to go [but this form of socialism
involves redistributing the wealth for the elites and not to everyone], they think that
they are doing the right thing. But the people at the [very] top they all know the truth
of what is happening.” Therefore, the good people in the CFR are also under an
illusion, and do not know that effectively they are working for evil men who have the
overall goal to control the populace of the world.
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