the whole thing is a giant HOAX, but it is a way for the government to take over the
American people (and the world).
There is no question about it [that 9/11 is a hoax]. Nick Rockefeller said to Russo:
“There is going to be a “War on Terror”” and he was laughing. Who are we fighting
against...? Why do you think 9/11 happened and then nothing has happened since
then? Do you think that our security is so great here that these people who pulled off
9/11, who were able to lock down another plane...? Come on it is ridiculous... 9/11
was done by people in our own government and our own banking system to
perpetuate the fear of the American people into subordinating themselves to anything
the government wants them to do. That is what it is about; and to create this endless
war on terror.
Nick Rockefeller was laughing when he said, “We are going to be sending men into
caves in Afghanistan and Pakistan” –and it was just cynical, he kept laughing and
saying “Look how stupid everyone is! We can do whatever we want!”
9/11 was the first lie; and the next lie was to go into Iraq, to get Saddam Hussein out
with his weapons of mass destruction (when the real issue was control of the oil
fields) –that was the next lie. 9/11 created an endless war on terror that would go on
and on and you can never define a real winner. There is no one to defeat and so it goes
on and on forever. And they can do whatever they want; because they scared the hell
out of the American public.
This whole war on terror is [perpetuated on] a fraud. It is a farce. It is very difficult to
say it out loud because people are intimidated in saying it. Because if you say it they
want to make you into a nutcase –but the truth has to be... and the truth has to come
out. The