general public is accustomed to by as much as 484 years(!) (2015 - 2004 = 11. 11 x
44 = 484). Similarly, if we are to use the year which YouTube was founded as a base
year (2005), once again, military technology would be 440 years more advanced than
what the public is currently accustomed to today.
For the purpose of disclosing current advances in medicine, science and technology, and
how such advances are used against me and the people of the world to commit monstrous
crimes I will use 1945 as a base year. Everything will become apparent including why I
use 1945 as a base year for my disclosure, but for the express purpose of compelling the
reader to investigate my disclosure I must present everything, logically, sequentially,
methodologically, and provide references for the reader in a coherent way to enable him
or her to pay serious attention to my eye witness accounts. Therefore, at this present
stage keep in mind the year 1945, and the fact that military technology outstrips the
general public’s technology at a rate of 44 years for every 12 months which passes.
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