Do Not Panic, Riot, or Cause Chaos. This is Very Important.
Now I must preface this carefully, because members of the Illuminati have told me that I
have to put this in an eloquent fashion, in a way which does not make people panic; because,
people finding out about REM driven cloning, and the extent of the evil it has been used for,
and continues to be used for; it could cause loss of social order, riots and anarchy in the
streets. Moreover, I too DO NOT want riots and anarchy in the streets, despite the fact that I
am vehemently angry considering the extent to which they plagiarised my talents over the
years. If you are a good person reading this, and you want to help and you want social order
restored for the benefit of mankind, promise yourself; me; all the innocent children they have
affected through REM driven cloning, and the children of the future that you will NOT riot,
and destroy a world for children who are going to inherit the world. This is very important.
Remember the Illuminati have highly advanced technologies (kept hidden and secret),
including weaponry, and they are just waiting for any excuse to use it on the populace. In all
revolutions, the populace always win, and I want this disclosure and the end of REM driven,
sleep cloning, to go smoothly. I want the good people of the world to keep spreading this
information; keep spreading this disclosure all over social media, tell your close friends, your
family, and as many people on social media platforms as you can. Remember, the internet,
and radio shows with small audiences are the only forms of communication the Illuminati do
not control.
Spread this Disclosure Document until it reaches the Armed Forces
I want this message to reach the armed forces, because currently people in the armed forces
are following orders; yet they do not know how corrupt their governments and people in high
profile places are. They are unknowingly defending these corrupt people. People in the armed
forces will NOT defend these corrupt people nor will they harm civilians when they realise
that these corrupt people have been growing duplicate clone bodies of civilians, transferring
civilians consciousness to their duplicate clone versions when the victim reaches REM sleep,
and torturing civilians in their sleep; having sex with under-aged REM driven cloned
children; having sex with innocent and unsuspecting adults as REM driven sleep clones,
against their will; torturing REM driven clones for sport; and for money- making ideas to
benefit their own pockets while they make innocent civilians sick and have side effects in
their original bodies from REM sleep driven cloning technology. No. The armed forces will
not accept that. Therefore, keep spreading and sharing this information for everyone to see,
so that it reaches personnel in the armed forces ASAP! I want the armed forces to overthrow
these corrupt people. The Illuminati think they are very sly and untouchable because together
they hold most of the wealth in the world. We must show them that they are not untouchable.
Please do all you can, to share and spread this message. It is the most important message to
ever reach the internet because it affects all our liberties.
I must also address the readers who may feel afraid in spreading my message because they
may want to do the right thing, but they are terrified the Illuminati may degrade or end their
lives. As unbelievable as the next thing I am going to share sounds, it is a belief system which
shapes the reality of the Illuminati, and therefore they themselves, are afraid to do anything
which may degrade their lives or ‘eternal soul’.
They believe that they are the ‘fornicators’ mentioned in The Bible, and if they were to
degrade or harm the lives of anyone aiding me, they would suffer the wrath of God when they
die. Notice I said whe n they die. However, so long as they are still alive, they believe they
can do all the evil they like, with