Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 1 | Page 43

Contact Information Facebook My Facebook is: You can also press Ctrl+C lick (hold “Ctrl” on your keyboard and left “Click” with your mouse, on the image to your right). I have a public wall on Facebook which starts from March 2012. In other words, all posts are made public since March 2012 and you do not have to join my friends list or subscribe me to see what I post (although you will have to have a Facebook account). I suggest that newcomers start reading from March 2012, and be patient, and read everything. You can read everything and learn the real truth of the world free of charge. I don’t wish to write a book, I am not looking to turn a profit from this; I want to crush these guys and shut down the cloning centres! Donald Marshall Forum You can also view Proboards which has all my Facebook posts and have been archived by Celine O’Carroll and Astral 7ight by visiting: You can also press Ctrl+C lick (hold “Ctrl” on your keyboard and left “Click” with your mouse, on the image to your right). There is a search function on Proboards, and you can use this to search for and read all the disclosures I have made regarding REM driven clones, the people involved and more. I understand that it is human nature to want to know, which people have been to the cloning centre as REM driven clones; therefore, use the search function to read about any public figure which I have already covered that you have an inkling about. You can also post anonymously on Proboards and Celine and other Administrators will transfer your question onto Facebook which I’ll answer. Donald Marshall Revolution Donald Marshall Revolution is a website which details a brief overview of the Illuminati. You can also press Ctrl+Click (hold “Ctrl” on your keyboard and left “Click” with your mouse, on the image to your right). 43 | P a g e