Disclosure: Donald Marshall’s Message to the World
My name is Donald Marshall. I have been cloned by a large secretive cult know as “The
Freemasons” and “The Vril Society” and “Scientologists” together called the Illuminati. For
readers unfamiliar with The Illuminati, see “The New World Order” (1990) by A. Ralph
Epperson and Appendix B in this document; an introductory guide to the Illuminati and their
agenda for the world is presented.
Furthermore, I have to tell you that human cloning, and consciousness transfer (which is the
feat of moving from one body to the next) has been done since 1945. These facts have been
confirmed and corroborated by other sources with insider information. The facts regarding
human cloning and high scientific and technological accomplishments, are confirmed by
George Green (Project Camelot 2008a; 2008b), Tila Tequila (Astral 7ight 2013i), and Phil
Schneider (Schneider 1995; 1996; Open Minds 2011) and add credibility to my disclosures.
Key Figures
George Green
George Green (pictured) was affiliated with U.S. Presidential
candidates, and was once asked to be the Finance Chairman for
the next President of the United States. During his 2008
Interview with Project Camelot (2008a; 2008b), Green disclosed
the following noteworthy information: U.S. scientists learned
how to make people (clones) since 1938 -walking talking ones –
and the scientists call these people “synthetics” or “the others”.
Tila Tequila
Tila Tequila (pictured) is a television personality. In 2013
(Astral 7ight 2013i) she disclosed that there are cloning centres
where human clones are grown; many missing children are
taken to these cloning centres, and are forced to do depraved and
ungodly things to each other by the ring leaders of the cloning
centres. Tila Tequila is the first television personality to
corroborate my original disclosure (Donald Marshall Proboards
2012) and my full disclosure on REM driven human cloning
(Marshall 2015). See Appendix A which contains a link to Tila
Tequila’s disclosure, as well as, the transcript provided.