Today’s Illuminati members also meet in secret -just like the founding members- but as REM
driven clones, when they go to sleep. Furthermore, because Illuminati meetings are in secret
and not many people know the exact location (because knowledge is compartmentalised) of
the cloning centre; or the fact that their consciousness has been transferred to Mark 2 REM
driven clone bodies at the cloning centre (and they are not in their original bodies); as well as
the fact that unsuspecting civilians have their memories suppressed; the points mentioned
above are the reasons the Illuminati believe ‘they are all po werful and untouchable’; and as a
consequence, today’s Illuminati members do all the disgusting things they want; because they
believe no outsider can interfere.
The ring leaders of the Illuminati today also believe “the ends justify the means”. This is why
they clone, torture, molest, murder, and rape unsuspecting civilians as REM driven clones in
their sleep. The Illuminati of today offer their members incitements to go along with their
agenda and not oppose them (or face death). Another popular method is to entice their target
with many, many, wonderful prospects, and have the target believe they are joining a noble
and prosperous venture, so that the target fulfils the objectives of the Illuminati unknowingly;
promoting the Illuminati in a positive way, because the target has been deceived to perceive
the nature of the Illuminati as ‘positive’; by the time the target finds out the true intent of the
Illuminati, and the evil which emanates from it, it is too late. Those who rise up in the ranks
of the Illuminati are the men and women who have an insatiable lust for power, and most
importantly: the men and women who want to rule the world.
Modern-day Illuminati members also wish to become gods (through technology); overthrow
the Creator, and achieve their overall aim of enslaving mankind. This is why they clone
people, and clone people in high rank society from all walks of life (movie sta rs, musicians,
politicians etc.; whether the person willingly wants to be part of the Illuminati or not); so long
as that person is in a position of power and influence, the Illuminati clone that person, and
threaten that person, for example:- “Hey, you’re going to hang with us –or else” –through
such coercion, the people in high rank society who have power and influence will not oppose
the Illuminati’s plans to become gods; enslave mankind forever; and rule the world. Another
reason for cloning high rank society is to include these people into the Illuminati (willingly or
unwillingly) to ensure the world’s populace remains in ignorance (because once all the world
leaders and high rank society are cloned and under the coercion of the Illuminati nobody in a
position of influence or power can warn the populace against the Illuminati) until the
Illuminati’s plan is completed and they have enslaved the world forever.
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