Donald Hawbaker Donald Hawbaker - Attorney to Make Your Will | Page 20
When You are Planning to Leave a Strong Legacy
You may have a lot of plans for disbursing your wealth. You could leave your whole
wealth with your children, or give it to a charity, leave it in the name of your business
and so on. To keep the assets in safe hands even after you are not there, you should
discuss with your attorney to plan and discuss on what to do with your trusts, pay-on-
death accounts, joint accounts, fixed assets, wills and other wealth that you have been
saving by working hard all your life.
Donald Hawbaker's law firm can always help you find the right way to arrange
everything to help your family have a better future. There is no way to predict what
future holds. You may end up spending a lot of money on an illness or something else.
In this case, there has to be something or at least a plan to manage your wealth in a
better way. That is exactly where Donald Hawbaker can help you out not only by
protecting your rights but also by showing you how to plan everything in advance.