Dominext Magazine Comic Relief | Page 50



Making your acting career work for you.

If you take a trivia quiz your most likely persuing something you need or want the answers to, which is a little like the world of acting. Studying to take a quiz or audition can be nerve wrecking. How do I remember? How do I focus? Stop asking questions and get the job done I know it can be difficult but push hard and your dreams will fall into your lap. Auditions and open calls for aspiring actors and comedians have changed so much over the years, the industry has gotten rauncy in anouncing what is worthy. Sterotypes can make one feel low and demolish self esteem, you have to be yah high and yee wide and this light or that dark. No one should have the power over you, to tell you that you are not good enough to carry a role of this character. That is the exact reason you must make the scene work for you even when your not working, network to set up your next move be ahead of the game and also be prepared for the harsh judement. Everyone is not built for this business so choose wisely and try to do things the right way even if the wrong way seems quick and easy, there will be a price to pay (remember that). Whether it be selling your soul for fame and riches, drugs, sex, fraud whatever it may be don't even consider it. Keep working hard on your craft and practice makes perfect. Grab an awesome acting coach or get good lessons, and continue on your way to sucess. Stay focused, let no distractions in the mix of your movement. That goes with anything that you want to do with your Life.