Dominext Magazine Comic Relief | Page 15

The Fun 4 Kids Foundation formally launched its $12 million Building Dreams capital campaign to raise funds for state-of-the-art facility, which will benefit the Fun 4 Kids Foundation and the community. Fun 4 Kids Building Dream Facility Campaign is a land and building project. We are asking individuals, businesses, churches, organizations, schools, and non-profit foundations to donate $12.00 a month for a total donation of $120.00 per year. There goal is to reach 100,000 individuals who can donate $120.00 for a total of $12 million dollars. We are looking to build our multipurpose facility from the ground up. This facility is guaranteed to win the hearts and support of the community. Your donation to Fun 4 Kids Foundation in the amount of $120.00 will get your name on our donor wall in our building. The amount you donate is unlimited and we hope that you encourage your social circle to donate as well. Once this project is complete we will be able to implement affordable monthly programs, activities, events, workshops, and performances for our children, youth and adults. We are confident that with your help we will reach our goal. Thank you in advance for your donation and helping us to succeed. CEO and Founder Johnny M. Jones states, “This is a very ambitious campaign ever undertaken in the foundation’s history. And as a result of our outstanding team of support, combined with the strength and generosity of the community, we are delighted to say that we have already

been able to raise $10,000 thousand in pledges towards our goal,” said Jones.

Jones went on to say that he is hopeful that community leaders will joined the campaign and help the Fun 4 Kids

and help the Fun 4 Kids Foundation reach this ambitious campaign goal by contributing and

connect us to available funding sources.

“For the last 5 year I have sort the help of community leaders and it has only yielded false

promise and negative results. However, I have not lost hope. Together with community

members and leaders, we will achieve this obtainable goal and leave a significant and lasting

legacy that will make our community proud for years to come,” said Jones.

Funds raised through Building Dreams will support multiple areas of service and programs in

the state-of-the-art facility. The facility is based on three pillars of design: provide an

attractive work place, be elder and community friendly and adhere to Go Green

environmental standards.

Jones hope community leaders, individuals and corporations will see the value of being part

of a campaign that touches each and every m

Foundation reach this ambitious campaign goal by contributing and

connect us to available funding sources.“For the last 5 year I have sort the help of community leaders and it has only yielded false promise and negative results. However, I have not lost hope. Together with community members and leaders, we will achieve this obtainable goal and leave a significant and lasting legacy that will make our community proud for years to come,” said Jones. Funds raised through Building Dreams will support multiple areas of service and programs in the state-of-the-art facility. The facility is based on three pillars of design: provide an attractive work place, be elder and community friendly and adhere to Go Green environmental standards. Jones hopes community leaders, individuals and corporations will see the value of being part of a campaign that touches each and every member of the community. The Fun 4 Kids Foundation exists as a result of the passion and interest of our founder Johnny envisioned the fun 4 kids Foundation serving as neighborhood based hubs of community events, services, program, and activities, which would engage children, youth, adults, and seniors, a variety of enriching activities. His vision includes the groundwork for the construction of a new multipurpose foundation that will offer and provide the space needed for an extensive range of high-quality, outcome-driven programs, services and activities based on community needs and interests.