Part 1 - Introduction
Let’s face it… we all love YouTube. We’ve spent countless
hours watching chubby babies giggle, cats do tricks, and that
kid named David chatter after a visit to the dentist.
Perhaps you’ve taken your love of YouTube to the next level
and started your own YouTube channel. It sounded like a
great way to boost your business, right?
The only problem is that making videos is only one part of the
process. Then comes the hard part: actually getting people to
watch your videos.
If you have ever wished you could figure out the secret to
make your YouTube videos a success, I have good news. I’m
about to show you how to take your YouTube channel to a
whole new level.
In fact, if you follow these simple step-by-step principles, your
YouTube video can on the first page of Google and YouTube
within days.
Did you know that YouTube is the second largest search
website on the entire Internet? YouTube gets more daily
searches than Bing and Yahoo. In fact, there is only one
search engine that gets more action.
You probably already guessed it! That’s right, it’s Google.
Of course, you may already know that Google actually owns
YouTube. Because they are operated by the same folks, you