Domestic Violence 1 | Page 14

Domestic Violence: The Truth

Not many people know what Domestic Violence is. In some places, it's not something you tlak about. In others, it's not something you're allowed to talk about. That's probably because of the shaky past the world has with DV. In the 18th century, men were allowed to give "moderate correction" to their wives as long as they beat them with a stick no wider than their thumb.

Prior to the 1980's, the polive did almost nothing when it came to domestic viiolence reports or calls because it was still widely believed that a woman was a man's property and he was allowed to "keep her in line". Domestic Violence calls were considered less important than other calls. Eventually, police were required to provide mediation in these siituations, but ironically, only did so when only one of the spouses was present.

I was exposed to domestiv violence when i was 7 years old. in 2007. I didn't know what domestic violence was and didn't understand that it was a bad thing. I repeatedly heard my parents arguing. I would walk into their room and see things smashed on the floor. She started using make-up to cover up bruises. Often times, the police would be called.. He would stand behind the door with a gun, or a bat and she would tell the police that everything was fine. Other times, she would try to tell that something was wrong and they would say it was a private manner, or that she would have to drive down to the police station and fill out some paperwork if she wanted anything done about it.

I knew that domestic violence was a problem. Now, i just had to go throught the steps to fix it. Although i have the past knowledge, I still had to look deeper and make sure that this was an actual problem. To do that, all you have to look at is the numbers...

"A woman is beaten every four minutes"

"1 in 3 women, 1 in 7 men experience dv in their life"

"In Arizona alone, two women are killed by their partner every week"