Equipment , raw materials , materials and component products for production of products for export , imported to the territory by its participants , regardless of the country of origin are executed according to the customs regime of free customs zone . For goods imported for production needs , customs duties do not apply ( except for fees for customs registration ) and measures of economic policy .
Special currency regime . Business entities registered in FIEZ “ Navoi ” are allowed to carry out the settlements and payments in foreign currency according to the agreements and contracts concluded between them as well as to pay in freely convertible currency for supply of goods , works and services by other business entities-residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan .
I . Free Economic Zone “ Navoi ” Free economic zone “ Navoi ” was created according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No . 4059 dated December 2 , 2008 in Navoi region . The area makes up 564 hectares . Priority in FEZ “ Navoi ” is given to the establishment of high-tech wide range productions of products competitive in the world markets in the following areas : - electric engineering and production of telecommunication equipment ;
- mechanic engineering , instrument engineering and production of component parts ; - pharmaceuticals and medical equipment production ; - food products production ; - production of plastic and polymer products . Interm odal logistics centre ( ILC ), established on the basis of Navoi airport and regulated by South Korean airline company “ Korean air ” is one of the primary factors of free industrial economic zone . Today on the airport territory the cargo terminal is built , which is able to cover the whole range of services on reception of goods , their temporary storage and shipment using different types of transport . This construction is favorably located for implementation of balk transportation – directly in front of the cargo apron of the airport .
Moreover , the presence of convenient access roads and parking lots for heavy vehicles and connection with rail transport can reduce work on intermediate delivery of goods . Cargo
Uzbekistan profile | January - 2017 www . uzbekistan . be 7