757 and 767 , Airbus 320 , and Airbus 300- 600 cargo aircrafts . Sixth , Implementation of structural transformation and diversification of the economy is supported by steady growth of banks ’ resource base , expansion of the share of long-term funding sources and increase of commercial banks role in these processes . If in 1990 loans exceeding three years constituted about 24 % of the total loan portfolio , now their share is 80 %. Thanks to the sustainable growth of aggregated capital of the commercial banks in Uzbekistan and balanced management policy of assets portfolio , current capital adequacy ratio is ensured and three times higher than international standards of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision . For the fifth consecutive year , Moody ’ s international rating agency assesses the prospects of the banking system of Uzbekistan as “ stable ”. Now , all commercial banks of the Republic are rated with a stable outlook from leading international rating companies , as Standard & Poor ’ s , Moody ’ s and Fitch Ratings . Seventh , Uzbekistan Fund for Reconstruction and Development ( UFRD ), created in 2006 , plays an important role in the implementation of modernization and effective investment policy in the Republic . Its assets reached $ 25 billion this year .
The active participation of the UFRD in implementation of new infrastructure projects has been served to attract more than $ 10 billion of foreign investment and loans in the form of co-financing from the World Bank , Asian Development Bank , Islamic
Development Bank , financial institutions of Japan , South Korea , China and other foreign banks and investors .
Eights , Uzbekistan ’ s achievements and milestones are widely recognized by the world community . In particular , our country occupies the 5th place in the Fast Growing Economies ranking of the W orld Economic Forum . According to the “ World Happiness Report ” conducted by sociologists at the Columbia University ( USA ), with the assistance of the United Nations , Uzbekistan took 44th place out of 158 countries and the first place among the CIS countries .
Last October the World Bank published the rating of « Doing Business 2017 », with the fact that Uzbekistan has risen to 16 positions from 2015 and ranked as 87th . According to the report , Uzbekistan improved its position in ranking on such criteria as property registration ( 75th place , + 6 positions ), protecting minority investors ( 70th place , + 8 positions ), paying taxes ( 138 place , + 1 ) and trading across border ( 165th place , + 1 position ).
The report added that four procedures required in Uzbekistan to register enterprise , which is lower than average in the Europe and Central Asia ( 4.8 ) and OECD member states ( 4.9 ). The registration term is 5.5 days in Uzbekistan against 10.2 days in Europe and Central Asia and 8.3 days in the OECD countries .
Uzbekistan profile | January - 2017 www . uzbekistan . be 5