established enterprises is carried out within the framework of one instance that registers enterprises in accordance with legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan . It also should be noted that the authorized state bodies come to a decision on the state registration of a business entity as a legal entity or refusal in registration within 3 working days .
Favourable investment climate and stimulating measures , as well as guaranteed protection of the rights of investors , contributed to the increase in the volume of accumulated investments to $ 190 billion , including almost $ 70 billion of foreign investments . Only in 2016 the volume of attracted foreign capital has exceeded 3.7 billion US dollars . Today , Uzbekistan ’ s most promising areas for foreign direct investment are oil and gas sector , first and foremost it is in-depth processing of hydrocarbon raw materials and production of high value added products ; chemical industry , in particular , the production
of polyvinyl chloride , plastics , new types of chemical fertilizers ; mechanical engineering ; electro-technical field ; production of construction materials ; textile industry ; mastering of mineral resources , including search and joint development of new deposits of natural resources ; introduction of alternative energy sources ; information technologies . What attracts foreign investors to Uzbekistan ? First , an important advantage of our country is that Uzbekistan is one of the few countries
in the world economy with absolute energy independence . Uzbekistan possesses huge reserves of minerals and natural resources . The country occupies leading positions in the world in terms of gold , uranium , copper , silver , lead , zinc , tungsten , rare metals and other resources . The country is among the top ten countries on reserves of oil and gas , coal and uranium .
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Uzbekistan profile | January - 2017