capacity of 120.0 million pieces of articles . The enterprise has created 54 workplaces . “ Navoi Beauty Cosmetics ” Joint Venture established in 2010 with the participation of JSC “ Navoiazot ” and South Korean company “ DK Cosmetics ” carries out the production of cosmetic products . The total cost of the project made up 2.2 million USD with the annual production capacity of 2.6 million pieces of finished products . The enterprise has created 22 workplaces . “ Ariston Thermo-UTG ” Joint Venture established in 2013 with the participation of JSC “ Uztransgas ” and Italian company “ Ariston international srl ” carries out the production of heating and water heating boilers . The total cost of the project made up 4,0 million USD with the annual production capacity of 10,0 thousand units of boilers . The enterprise has created 12 workplaces .
“ Agrofresh ” Joint Venture established in 2010 with the participation of SJSC “ Markazsanoatexport ” and “ Kefayat General Trading Co . Ltd .” ( UAE ), constructed m o d e r n refrigerating chambers with the controlled atmosphere ( CA ) for the amount of 4.0 million USD for storage of vegetables and fruits with the simultaneous storage of 3,0 thousand tons . The enterprise has created for 15 workplaces .
“ Telecom Innovations ” Joint Venture established in 2010 with the participation of JSC “ Uzbektelecom ”, “ TelmaxElektronix ” LLC and “ ZTE International Ltd .” ( China ), “ Servetechno PTE Ltd .” ( Singapore ) companies carries out the production of TV tuners , ADSL modems and DSLAM ports . Total cost of the project made up 5.4 million USD with the annual production capacity of 250 . 0 million pieces of articles . The enterprise has created 38 workplaces . “ KO-UNG Cylinder ” Joint Venture established in 2011 with the participation of NHC “ Uzbekneftegas ” and South Korean company “ KorUz Cylinder Investment Co . Ltd ” carries out the production of gas balloons . The total cost of the project made up 13 . 4 million USD with the annual production capacity of 41.0 thousand pieces of gas balloons for The enterprise has created 61 workplaces . “ CFM ProEnergies ” Joint Venture established in 2011 with the participation of SJSC “ Uzprommashimpex ” and Singapore company “ Cheong FattMetall Factory PTE Ltd .” carries out the production of power saving LED light bulbs . The total cost of the project made up 0,5 million USD with the annual production capacity of 220 thousand pieces of products with the opportunity of production capacity increase . The enterprise has created 26 workplaces .
Uzbekistan profile | January - 2017 www . uzbekistan . be 9