400 division
NAME : Nicki Gurr DOG NAME : Ninja BREED : Shetland Sheepdog HEIGHT : 400
She train agility with 4 Border Collies and 2 shelties . Nicki is a member of CKC ’ s ( Club Canin Canadien ) AgilityTeam Canada . She was 13th at the Agility Wolrd Championship ( Medium ) in Lievin in 2011 and last year at the WAO finished 3rd in Biathlon
NAME : Jessica Martin DOG NAME : Dice BREED : Shetland Sheepdog HEIGHT : 400
Jessica is the only Canadian to have won the FCI World Championship . She did it in the 2012 in Germany with her young dog " Dice ". Jessica ’ s agility career began at the age of 13 . She has many years of experience training dogs of all breeds , she promotes positive and motivational methods of training which are fun for both the dogs and their handlers . She has trained under the finest trainers Including Adrian Rooyakkers , Susan Garrett , Greg and Laura Derrett Derrett . Jessica Martin is the owner and instructor of Agile Dog Training located in Erin , Ontario . She was present as a Wildcard at the WAO in England where she became the WAO 2011 Champion in Games Championship