Dogs In Review Magazine Jan/Feb 2017 | Page 68

Speaking from your vantage point , what can we do to save purebred dogs from the public ’ s misperceptions ?

Speaking from your vantage point , what can we do to save purebred dogs from the public ’ s misperceptions ?

BREEDER-EXHIBITOR Cindy Cooke First , we need a simple , unified message that we can all repeat at a moment ’ s notice . It should consist of no more than three points . These could be , for example , purebred dogs represent the heritage of humankind ; the predictability of purebred dogs means that there is a right dog for every person and family ; and purebred dogs come with customer service in the form of their knowledgeable and helpful breeders . Second , we need to train at least a dozen people in every state so that they can disseminate that message orally and in writing to any audience . Third , we need to put that message in school programs at every level . Fourth , we need an army of social media mavens to share and share and share our message . This would be an excellent project for an AKC Delegate Committee .
PROFESSIONAL HANDLER Arvind DeBraganca Our sport needs promotion in aspects of day-to-day dog ownership and what it takes to do what we do . We need to have more open and willing interaction with the public and take things less seriously . Many people feel they are in this for a higher purpose , but I am here to say ribbons are not a higher purpose . Promoting quality ownership and having education as to why it is important to purchase and own from preservation breeders is the higher purpose .
Take the time to let the child pet your dog . Smile and speak with a joy and love of dogs . Acknowledge and promote why our dogs are so wonderful . We all play a role , and each experience is what gives value to our dogs and our sport .
JUDGE Elaine Lessig Whenever spectators attend a dog show , I , as a judge , have the opportunity to turn the misinformed members of the public into proponents of purebred dogs and , possibly , the owners of one . From outside the ring , members of the public can observe a breed , see its demeanor , have a chance to watch the interactions between the dog and its handler , and the dog and me . Watching a ring where the dogs and handlers are welcomed , treated with respect and judged joyfully might just keep them interested long enough for me to engage them in some small talk and answer questions during a break . What ’ s that breed ? What am I looking for when I judge ? How can we find a good breeder ? With patience and a smile , I encourage that interest . Who knows ? The sire or dam of their future puppy might have been in that ring ! DIR
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