Dogs In Review Magazine Jan/Feb 2017 | Page 133

Did You Know ?
The Group 1 winner was the Malinois Melusine du Hameau Saint Blaise and Group 2 the Bulldog Valleybulls Qashqai .
surprising 100 Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs . This breed is a wolf cross and is banned in some countries .
It is illegal to crop ears and dock tails in Belgium , and also to show cropped and docked dogs , unless they have a vet certificate that the operation was done due to medical reasons . I wonder how is it possible that so many young Dobermanns and AmStaffs have wounded their ears so that they had to be cropped to just the correct shape …
For some reason it is customary in central Europe to judge color varieties in many breeds separately , although only one set of CACIBs are available and one BOB is chosen . This was done in Cockers , Boxers , Dobermanns and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels , and even in Pugs , French Bulldogs and Hovawarts , although in all these breeds there are no restrictions about breeding them together , and you can have all the varieties in one litter . Still , all colors of some other breeds like Labradors , Flatcoats , Staffordshire Bull Terriers and AmStaffs were judged together , so I can ’ t follow the logic . The fringed and smooth Salukis were separated , so were the hairless and Powderpuff Chinese Cresteds , and even the two coat types of Portuguese Water Dogs , but again , only one BOB .
There have been some controversies in the dog world recently , and they all converged in Brussels .
Group 9 final ( Toys and Companion Dogs ). The RKF said that they won ’ t recognize any results of the shows where Mr . Vyguzov judges , but it is not clear if this means the whole EDS or only those breeds he judged .
The Board of the Israeli Kennel Club announced that they discharged President Yossi Kosover , and suspended his wife , well-known all-breed judge Mrs . Yolanda Nagler-Magal . Again , Mrs . Nagler-Magal was quickly moved to the judges ’ list of the Romanian Kennel Club . She was , in fact , born in Romania and still has a Romanian passport , but she lives in Tel Aviv . Mr . Kosover showed up to the FCI European Section meeting the Monday after the show , saying his dismissal was illegal , and represented the IKC , but his replacements were present also . Being an outsider , it is difficult to know what really happened in these situations and who is right and who is wrong .
The President of the Belgian Kennel Club , Mr . Hubert Iser , directly asked FCI President Mr . Rafael de Santiago what the FCI is going to do about these problems . Some judges dismissed by their own kennel clubs have been ac-
There have been some controversies in the dog world recently , and they all converged in Brussels . One of the EDS judges , Mr . Igor Vyguzov from Russia , was suspended by the Russian Kynological Federation ( RKF ) and thus not able to judge anywhere . Nevertheless , suddenly he was adopted by the Montenegro Kennel Club although he has not moved to Montenegro , and the suspension would still be valid even if he did live there . But here he was at the European Dog Show judging some breeds and even the

Did You Know ?

The name of the Belgian Kennel Club is the Royal Club of St . Hubert . St . Hubert was the patron saint of hunting , and the French name of the Bloodhound , Chien de Saint-Hubert , comes from him . Naturally , a Bloodhound is illustrated in the logo of the club .