Dogs In Review Magazine Jan/Feb 2017 | Page 124

Simon Explains The KC Organization
Above : Planning a training schedule , with a little help from Toaki , in the 1990s . Above right : Handling Ch . Zima Toaki to win the Veteran Stakes at Paignton championship show in 1999 . The judge was Robin Searle ; far right Andrew Webster , representing the sponsor . Luxmoore says , “ The angle from which this photo was taken , coupled with his feet not being set next to each other , fails to show his wonderful shoulder .”
BB : This will interest many readers in the US : Does The KC automatically approve AKC judges for all the breeds they are recognized for in the US ? Or is approval , as I believe , on a case-by-case basis ? SL : The Kennel Club does not automatically approve any judges ; it is , as you say , on a case-by-case basis . If on their questionnaire , the judges comment that they are AKC-approved judges in a particular breed , we would check that fact with the AKC office , and if confirmed , it would be true to say it would get you most of the way toward approval . The judging approval does , however , still have to be reviewed by the Judges Sub-Committee , who may consider other issues that may arise concerning the application , and finally there needs to be approval by The Kennel Club Board of Directors .
Simon Explains The KC Organization
The Kennel Club is a governing body , which has a membership of approximately 1,300 individuals from whom 24 Directors are elected for a three-year period . These directors elect a Chair and Vice Chair annually . On election , the Chairman and the Vice Chairman assume those positions for The Kennel Club as a whole . The Directors , Chair and Vice Chair are re-elected to office if they wish to re-stand . Reporting to The KC Board of Directors are both Governance and Sporting committees comprising , and often chaired by , a Board Member .
There are several liaison councils made up of representatives who are elected for a threeyear term to liaise between The KC and various breed clubs and competitors . Breed clubs also liaise directly with The KC , either individually or through representative councils with some of the larger breeds . The liaison councils meet up to twice a year , and representatives hold meetings prior to each council meeting to provide a platform for proposals and discussion items to be raised . Items approved at liaison council level are then taken to the relevant sub-committee for further discussion .
With the exception of the staff and executive , all positions are voluntary and are not paid , save for reimbursed travel
BB : What about international relationships in general ? You are proposing an international kennel club conference next year in London . SL : I believe the major canine organizing bodies across the world should work closely together to promote all aspects of dog ownership , dog health and welfare . Not only should these organizations proactively work together , they should be in regular , meaningful communication so we can learn best practices from each other in the interests of dogs and anyone who has any interest in dogs . This is a big dream , but I am keen that the “ island ” mentality belongs to the past . Excellent communication , the sophisticated and effective transfer of knowledge and experience , education and training for the benefit of those who follow us should take front and center stage , along with canine health and welfare . The competition our dog world faces in the context of our stakeholders ’ time and financial resources increases daily , and we all need to move with the times . I hope that a “ meeting of minds ,” or perhaps I should say “ open minds ” at a senior level at a “ world congress ” may just kick off the interaction and enhanced relationships from which we can all benefit . DIR
expenses . I should emphasize that the executive is the staff executive and not the Board of Directors .
The Kennel Club is a members ’ club as well as a business that generates money , with any surplus being reinvested in improving products and services or being distributed for the benefit of dogs .
Members are elected for their involvement and achievement in the dog world . To become a member , a person must be proposed and seconded by existing members or progress through the associate or affiliate levels or through the Young Kennel Club .
The Young Kennel Club was founded in 1985 and was originally called The Kennel Club Junior Organisation . It is for young dog lovers aged 6 to 24 . Dog ownership is not required to be a member ! KC experts teach agility , grooming , flyball , obedience , junior handling and heelwork to music . Members get free tickets for Crufts and Discover Dogs , a monthly email newsletter and Fetch Magazine . The KC sees the YKC as very important because the successful among them will transition to regular KC membership . For more information , visit ykc . org . uk .
— Simon Luxmoore
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