Doctor's Orders dddddd | Page 108

8.12 SUPPORTING GRAPHIC ELEMENTS INFORMATION GRAPHICS EXTENDED COLOUR PALETTE If you are producing a graph or chart that requires more colours for legibility – for example a pie chart with lots of segments or a line graph with four or more lines – you can introduce our extended colour palette colours specified here. Black can be used for small text on our information graphics if required to achieve good legibility. NAME PRINT SCREEN YELLOW C0 M30 Y100 K0 R253 G185 B19 LIME C30 M0 Y90 K20 R156 G179 B58 GREEN C80 M0 Y60 K0 R0 G180 B141 Extended colour palette for information graphics Please note, these colours should never be used outside of charts and graphs. If your chart or graph can be produced without these colours, and still communicate clearly, please do not use them. 20% 30% scale 000 000 lorem ipsum dolor sit amen cumcue est bisque barsin est molon na se que ma loren ipsum dolor sit amen 000 10% 000 7% lorem ipsum 7% 6% 15% 5% Pie chart using extended colour palette Note: Ensure % figures in a pie chart add to 100. MEDICLINIC BRAND GUIDELINES | BASIC ELEMENTS | SUPPORTING GRAPHIC ELEMENTS dolor sit amen cumcue est 000 bisque barsin est molon na se que ma 000 FY 2006 FY 2007 (FY 2008 rate) FY 2008 Line graph using extended colour palette CONTENTS