Doctor's Life Magazine, Tampa Bay Doctor's Life Tampa Bay Vol. 2 Issue 1, 2014 | Page 6

From the Publisher W e are in full swing of the New Year. The first quarter is just about past us. Doctor’s Life Magazine (DLM) is actively working on content for 2014. Content that places you in the know on a variety of subjects that are relevant and informative as well as showcasing fellow physicians and presenting great opportunities from our advertising partners. Throughout the year, we plan to showcase opportunities, perks and special programs that are made available to you as a physician which you may not be aware of. Some are offered because you belong to a particular organization, like the AMA, and others are provided just because you are a doctor. For instance, the Physician Home Loan Program offered to doctors, both seasoned and new, even in residency. Several banks provide this program. We met with Tony Umholtz, vice president and Certified Mortgage Planner with SunTrust. Tony met with us and explained their program for doctors. They offer up to 100 percent financing for purchasing a home, with no private mortgage insurance and very competitive rates. This is just one of the many opportunities that we discovered for doctors and plan to bring all of them to you throughout the year. In this issue, we covered a range of topics from ICD-10 implementation to the major 2014 tax changes that are affecting most physicians. We sat down with Dr. Greg Savel from the Myrtle Ave Pediatrics in Clearwater for the Physician Spotlight section. After our interview with Dr. Savel, the entire DLM staff wished we were sick and kids again. Myrtle Ave Pediatrics really has something very special and creative buzzing around their practice. DON’T MISS the event PLAYING UNPLUGGED with special guest Randi Zuckerberg; CEO of Zuckerberg Media and sister of Facebook founder Marc Zuckerberg. DLM is a sponsor and the event details are on page 23. Dale Griffin from The Go Agency brings to you his feature, Social Media Prescription, and we discovered that Florida has 16 vineyards that produce some of the healthiest wine, all because of a particular grape grown and used right here in our state. Thank you to Yolanda Roundtree from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for giving us another valuable reason to enjoy a glass of wine… as long as it is from Florida! As always, I hope you enjoy this issue of DLM. I and the entire DLM staff thank you for your readership. Be well, -Ed MAGAZINE Business Lifestyles and Opportunities Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2014 Tampa Bay Edition ARE YOU READY FOR 2014 TAX CHANGES? ICD-10 10-01-2014 TAMPA BAY Tampa Headquarters 1208 East Kennedy Blvd. #1029 Tampa Fl, 33602 813-444-9204 Tampa Bay Publisher Ed Suyak [email protected] Creative Director Bryan Clapper Editorial Director Ed Suyak Assistant Editorial Director Danielle Topper Advertising Account Executive CJ Cooper Contributing Writers Dale Griffen, RN Cortnie Simmons Yolanda Roundtree Brandon Knox Doctor’s Life Magazine, Tampa Bay is always seeking events, stories and remarkable physicians. Please email the publisher if you have an event, an editorial idea or you know of a doctor or dentist who may have done something extraordinary. We want your suggestions and feedback. [email protected] Ed Suyak Publisher [email protected] 6 DOCTOR’SLife Doctor’s Life Magazine, Tampa Bay does not assume responsibility for the advertisements, nor any representation made therein, nor the quality or deliverability of the products themselves. Reproduction of articles and photographs, in whole or in part, contained herein is prohibited without expressed written consent of the publisher, with the exception of reprinting for news media use. Printed in the United States of America. Doctor’s Life Tampa Bay Issue 1, 2014