Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 9

the light that is emitted is . The bluer colors of LED lights ( 5000k <) actually are perceived to produce glare , which for this reason is not found to be ideal in this light polluted environment .
Georgia Code Annotated § 36‐66‐6 , provides recommendations for planning departments regarding land near military installations , including provisions only to protect the area within 3,000 feet ( 0.56 miles ) of a military installation for proposed zoning decisions . This neither covers the extent of the Light MCA nor provides protection from light impacts on the military .
The area around Dobbins ARB is neither currently protected from the installation of light fixtures that could produce an inordinate amount of light pollution nor protected with lighting regulations for the future . This Study demonstrates the need for lighting regulations within the Light MCA and provides reasonable regulations to protect the military night training missions at Dobbins ARB .
The light pollution around Dobbins ARB , and more specifically within the Light MCA , as a whole is not good for dark skies and nighttime flight training . Additionally , there is no measurable protection in Cobb County and the cities of Marietta and Smyrna from uncontrolled lighting luminaires , which can increase light pollution significantly . This would have a detrimental effect on the Air Force Reserve ’ s and Georgia National Guard ’ s ability to prepare airmen and guardsmen for civil and combat theatres with the potential to jeopardize the military flying missions at Dobbins ARB .
This Study provides guidance to Cobb County an Smyrna in four areas :
• Adopting a lighting overlay for the Ligh Model Lighting Ordinance and Pattern
• Coordinating with Georgia Power to ed energy efficient lighting retrofit progra and promote dark skies
• Coordinating with utility providers havi highway and roadway lighting systems retrofitted lights do not worsen the ove
• Coordinating with utility providers to re public facilities
These recommendations are further described
March 2018 DRAFT Dobbins Air Reserve Base Light Pollution Study