Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 300

Pattern Outdoor Lighting Code Standard ver. 2.0 15.16 LED. Light emitting diode. 15.17 Light Fixture, Outdoor. A complete lighting assembly (including the lamp, housing, reflectors, lenses and shields), less the support assembly (pole or mounting bracket). Includes luminous tubes, lamps or similar devices, permanently installed or portable, used for illumination, decoration, or advertisement. Such devices shall include, but are not limited to lights used for: Pattern Outdoor Lighting Code Standard ver. 2.0 B Lighting Zone LZ 2. This Zone includes urban areas with primary land uses for commercial, business and industrial activity, including urban multi-family residential areas mostly surrounded by commercial areas. 15.20 Lumen. Unit of luminous flux; used to measure the amount of light emitted by lamps. 15.21 Luminaire. See Light Fixture, (Outdoor). A. parking lot or parking garage lighting; B. roadway and driveway lighting; C. pedestrian or walkway lighting; D. entryway lighting; E. recreational areas; F. landscape lighting; G. billboards and other signs (advertising or other); H. display area lighting; I. building or structure decoration; J. building overhangs and open canopies. 15.22 Luminance. The intensity of light reflected or emitted from a unit area of surface, such as a sign face - measured in nits. 15.23 Luminous Tube. A glass tube filled with a gas or gas mixture (including neon, argon, mercury or other gasses), usually of small diameter (10-15 millimeter), caused to emit light by the passage of an electric current, and commonly bent into various forms for use as decoration or signs. A "neon" tube. Does not include common fluorescent tubes or compact fluorescent lamps. For purposes of determining total light output from a light fixture, lighting assemblies which include multiple lamps within a single light fixture or on a single pole or standard shall be considered as a single unit (Figure 15.18). 15.24 Lux. The standard metric unit used to measure illuminance, or the amount of light falling onto a surface, such as a roadway of athletic field. One lux equals one lumen per square meter. One lux equals approximately 0.1 footcandles. 15.25 Multi-Class Lighting. Any outdoor lighting used for more than one purpose, such as security and decoration, such that its use falls under the definition of two or more Classes as defined for Class 1, 2 and 3 Lighting. 15.26 Neon Tube. See Luminous Tube. Figure 15.17. Light fixtures with multiple lamps in a single fixture (left) and on a single pole or bracket (center, right) 15.27 Net Acreage. The remaining area after deleting all portions for proposed and existing streets within a parcel, subdivision or multiple contiguous parcels proposed for development. For parcels including special uses listed in Section 6 that are exempted from the total outdoor light output limits of Section 4.2, the area devoted to the special use only shall also be excluded from the net acreage. 15.18 Light Trespass. Light falling across property boundaries, onto property not containing the originating light source. 15.28 Nit. The standard unit used to measure the brightness of a surface, such as a sign. 15.19 Lighting Zones. The lighting zones are defined on the Lighting Zone Map, by this reference made a part of this Code. Guidelines used to guide the delineation of the lighting zones are: 15.29 Outdoor Light Fixture. See Light Fixture, Outdoor. A Lighting Zone LZ 1. This Zone includes predominantly residential areas, including small neighborhood commercial or industrial areas mostly surrounded by residential areas Page C-12 23 15.30 Opaque. Opaque means that a material does not transmit light from an internal illumination source. Applied to sign backgrounds, means that the area surrounding any letters or symbols on the sign allows no light from an internal source to shine though it. Appendix C: Pattern Outdoor Lighting Guide 24