Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 270

MODEL LIGHTING ORDINANCE - USER’S GUIDE MODEL LIGHTING ORDINANCE - TEXT IX. TABLES (cont.) - Ordinance Text IX. TABLES - TABLE C BUG RATING (cont.) - User’s Guide (Key: UH=Uplight High, UL=Uplight Low, BVH=Backlight Very High, BH=Backlight High, BM=Backlight Medium, BL=Backlight Low, FVH=Forward Light Very High, FH=Forward Light High, FM=Forward Light Medium, FL=Forward Light Low.) In general, a higher BUG rating means more light is allowed in solid angles, and the rating increases with the lighting zone. However, a higher B (backlight) rating simply indicates that the luminaire directs a significant portion of light behind the pole, so B ratings are designated based on the location of the luminaire with respect to the property line. A high B rating luminaire maximizes the spread of light, and is effective and efficient when used far from the property line. When luminaires are located near the property line, a lower B rating will prevent unwanted light from interfering with neighboring properties. At the 90-180 degree ranges: • Zone 0 allows no light above 90 degrees. Table C - 2 Maximum Allowable Uplight (BUG) Ratings - Continued Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone 0 1 2 3 4 TABLE C-2 Allowed Uplight Rating U0 U1 U2 U3 U4 Allowed % light emission above 90º for street or Area lighting 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Table C - 3 Maximum Allowable Glare (BUG) Ratings - Continued Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Lighting Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone 0 1 2 3 4 TABLE C-3 Allowed Glare Rating G0 G1 G2 G3 G4 Any luminaire not ideally oriented*** with 1 to less than 2 mounting heights to any property line of concern G0 G0 G1 G1 G2 • Zone 2 allows only 50 lumens in the UH and UL zones, 100 lumens total (less than a 25W incandescent lamp). Any luminaire not ideally oriented*** with 0.5 to 1 mounting heights to any property line of concern G0 G0 G0 G1 G1 • Zone 3 allows only 500 lumens in the UH and UL zones, 1000 lumens total (about the output of a 75W incandescent bulb). Any luminaire not ideally oriented*** with less than 0.5 mounting heights to any property line of concern G0 G0 G0 G0 G1 • Zone 1 allows only 10 lumens in the UH and UL zones, 20 lumens total in the complete upper hemisphere. (This is roughly equivalent to a 5 W incandescent lamp). · Zone 4 allows only 1,000 lumens in the UH and UL zones, 2000 lumens total (about the output of a 100W incandescent bulb). USER’S GUIDE - Page 28 Page B-28 *** Any luminaire that cannot be mounted with its backlight perpendicular to any property line within 2X the mounting heights of the luminaire location shall meet the reduced Allowed Glare Rating in Table C-3. ORDINANCE TEXT - Page 28 Appendix B: Model Lighting Ordinance