Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 266

MODEL LIGHTING ORDINANCE - USER’S GUIDE MODEL LIGHTING ORDINANCE - TEXT VIII. ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES (cont.) - User’s Guide VIII. ENFORCEMENT & PENALTIES - Ordinance Text Submission of the Lighting Plan should be required as a precondition to any approvals. The Lighting Plan should include the location and BUG rating for each luminaire, specify whether compliance is by the performance or prescriptive method, and a worksheet to show that the luminaires and their BUG ratings are compliant. IX. TABLES - Ordinance Text IX. TABLES - User’s Guide The tables are to be reviewed periodically by a joint committee of the IES and IDA, and adjusted as standards and technology permit. If more research on the impacts of outdoor lighting shows the effects of light pollution to be a significant concern, then the values in the tables may be modified. Such changes will have no significant impact to the balance of the language of the Ordinance or Code. Table A - Allowed Total Initial Luminaire Lumens per Site for Non-residential Outdoor Lighting, Per Parking Space Method May only be applied to properties up to 10 parking spaces (including handicapped accessible spaces). LZ-0 LZ-1 LZ-2 LZ-3 LZ-4 350 lms/space 490 lms/space 630 lms/space 840 lms/space 1,050 lms/space Table B - Allowed Total Initial Lumens per Site for Non- residential Outdoor Lighting, Hardscape Area Method May be used for any project. When lighting intersections of site drives and public streets or road, a total of 600 square feet for each intersection may be added to the actual site hardscape area to provide for intersection lighting. LZ-0 LZ-1 Base Allowance LZ-2 0.5 lumens 1.25 lumens 2.5 lumens per SF of per SF of per SF of Hardscape Hardscape Hardscape USER’S GUIDE - Page 24 Page B-24 LZ-3 LZ-4 5.0 lumens per SF of Hardscape 7.5 lumens per SF of Hardscape ORDINANCE TEXT - Page 24 Appendix B: Model Lighting Ordinance