Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 252

MODEL LIGHTING ORDINANCE - USER’S GUIDE MODEL LIGHTING ORDINANCE - TEXT III. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (cont.) - Ordinance Text Exceptions to III.(C.) 1. Automatic lighting controls are not required for the following: a. Lighting under canopies. b. Lighting for tunnels, parking garages, garage entrances, and similar conditions. CURFEW REQUIREMENTS - User’s Guide The intent is to reduce or eliminate lighting after a given time. Benefits include reduced environmental impact, longer hours of improved astronomy, energy savings, and improved sleeping conditions for residents. Additionally, some police departments have indicated that post-curfew light reductions make drive-by patrolling easier because it allows them to see further into and through a site. The authority should determine the time of curfew and the amount of lighting reduction based on the character, norms and values of the community. Typically, curfews go into effect one hour after the close of business. Restaurants, bars and major entertainment facilities such as sports stadiums, may require the curfew go into effect two hours after the close of business. The authority may elect to have no curfew for facilities with shift workers and 24 hour operations, or to extend the curfew time to meet specific needs. The MLO can be modified to address those concerns. Areas without street lights or with very low ambient light levels should consider turning off all non-emergency lighting at curfew while commercial areas or urban areas may prefer a reduction in lighting levels. A reduction of at least 30% is recommended for most uses. USER’S GUIDE - Page 10 Page B-10 2. Automatic Lighting Reduction Requirements The Authority shall establish curfew time(s) after which total outdoor lighting lumens shall be reduced by at least 30% or extinguished. Exceptions to III.(C.) 2. for any of the following: Lighting reductions are not required a. With the exception of landscape lighting, lighting for residential properties including multiple residential properties not having common areas. b. When the outdoor lighting consists of only one luminaire. c. Code required lighting for steps, stairs, walkways, and building entrances. d. When in the opinion of the Authority, lighting levels must be maintained. e. Motion activated lighting. f. Lighting governed by special use permit in which times of operation are specifically identified. g. B usinesses that operate on a 24 hour basis. ORDINANCE TEXT - Page 10 Appendix B: Model Lighting Ordinance