Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 187

E . Search lights , laser source lights , strobe or flashing lights , motion or illusion lights or any similar high-intensity light shall not be permitted , except in emergencies by police and fire personnel at their direction or as permitted in section 45.11 . Does not include movie projection in conjunction with `Movies in the Park ' or an approved special event permit .
F . Class 1 lighting , including but not limited to , sales , service , commercial , assembly , repair , maintenance , and industrial areas , may only continue in operation until 10:00 p . m ., or for as long as the area is in active use . This provision is not applicable to fixtures lawfully installed or implemented prior to the adoption of the Ordinance .
G . Class 2 lighting shall have no time restrictions except as specified by the City Council for new projects as specified herein .
H . Class 3 lighting , except for flag pole lighting , should be extinguished after 10:00 p . m . or when the business closes , whichever is later , except that low-wattage holiday decorations may remain on all night from November 1 to January 30 .
I . Multi-class lighting , except for security lights , must conform to the time limitations of the strictest class .
J . Except as permitted in subsections K , L and M of this section , total outdoor light output , excluding streetlights used for illumination of public rights-of-way , of any development project shall not exceed 100,000 lumens per net acre , averaged over the entire property . No more than 5,500 lumens per net acre may be accounted for by lamps in unshielded fixtures permitted in subsection Q of this section .
K . Lighting , in all cases , for all outdoor athletic fields , courts , tracks or ranges shall be considered Class 1 . Lighting allowed in this subsection shall be subject to approval of the City Council . When the proposed lumens per acre exceeds the limits of subsection J of this section , the installation shall be designed to achieve no greater than the minimum luminance levels for the activity as recommended by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America ( IESNA ). The installation shall also limit off-site spill ( off the parcel containing the sports facility ) to a maximum of 0.5 fc at any location on any nonresidential property , and 0.05 fc at any location on any residential property , as measurable from any orientation of the measuring device . Every such lighting system design shall be certified by a Texas registered engineer as conforming to all applicable restrictions of this Ordinance . All events shall be scheduled so as to complete all activity by 10:00 p . m . Illumination of the playing field , court , track or range shall be permitted after 10:00 p . m . only to conclude a scheduled event that was unable to conclude before 10:00 p . m . due to unusual circumstances . Fully shielded lighting shall be required for fields designed for amateur , recreational or nonprofessional sports activity . For professional level sports facilities where fully shielded fixtures are not utilized , acceptable luminaries shall include those which :
( i ) Are provided with internal or external glare contr so as to minimize uplight and offsite light trespass this section ; and
( ii ) Are installed and maintained with aiming angles percent of the light emitted by each fixture to proje
L . Lighting for outdoor display lots shall be conside the lumens per acre limits of subsection J of this se All such lighting shall utilize fully shielded luminarie that maintains the fully-shielded characteristics . W acre exceed the limits of subsection J of this sectio designed to achieve no greater than the minimum as recommended by the Illuminating Engineering S ( IESNA ). The installation shall also limit off-site spi display lot ) to a maximum of 0.5 fc at any location and 0.05 fc at any location on any residential prope orientation of the measuring device . Every such lig certified by a state registered engineer as conform this Ordinance . Outdoor display lot lighting exceed section J of this section shall be turned off at 10:00 closing of the business or activity whichever is late lot after this time shall be limited to Class 2 lighting restrictions of this Ordinance applicable for this cla caps in section J of this section .
( ii ) Lighting allowed in this subsection shall be subj Council .
M . Lighting for service station or similar canopies s lighting . All luminaries shall be flush with the lower flat glass or plastic covers . The total light output us canopies , defined as the sum of undercanopy initia shall not exceed 40 lumens per square foot of cano the canopy except internally illuminated signs , sha percent ( 50 %) of the lumen output of all lamps mou except internally illuminated signs , is included in th this section .
N . Lighting used for all externally illuminated signs this Ordinance and shall be fully shielded .
O . All site lighting not directly associated with the s sections 45.6 and 45.8 shall conform to all lighting
Appendix A : White Paper – Communities Addressing Light Pollution that Affect Nighttime Military Training