Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 186

Installed means attached , or fixed in place , whether or not connected to a power source .
Light trespass is spill light falling over property lines that illuminates adjacent grounds or buildings in an objectionable manner .
Lumen is the unit used to measure the actual amount of visible light , which is produced by a lamp as defined by the manufacturer .
Luminary means the complete lighting assembly , less the support assembly .
Multi-class lighting means any outdoor lighting used for more than one purpose , such as security and decoration , when those purposes fall under the definitions for two or more lighting classes as defined for Class 1 , 2 and 3 lighting above .
Motion sensing security lighting means a fixture designed , and properly adjusted , to illuminate an area around a residence or other building by means of switching on a lamp when motion is detected inside the area or perimeter , and switching the lamp off when the detected motion ceases .
Net acreage means the remaining ground area of a parcel after deleting all portions for proposed and existing public rights-of-way and undeveloped area .
Outdoor light fixtures means all outdoor illuminating devices , reflective surfaces , lamps and other devices , either permanently installed or portable , which are used for illumination or advertisement . Such devices shall include , but are not limited to , search , spot and floodlights for :
A . Buildings and structures . B . Recreational areas . C . Parking lot lighting . D . Landscape and architectural lighting . E . Billboards and other signs ( advertising or other ). F . Street lighting , excluding antique street and pedestrian lighting as approved by the City Council or such other person as they may authorize . G . Product display area lighting . H . Building overhangs and open canopies . I . Security lighting .
Outdoor recreation facility means an area designed for active recreation , whether publicly or privately owned , including but not limited to parks , baseball diamonds , soccer and football fields , golf courses , tennis courts and swimming pools .
Person includes a corporation , company , partnership , firm , association or society , as well as an individual .
Security lighting means lighting designed to illumin purpose of visual security . This includes fully shield during night time hours as well as motion sensing l
Temporary lighting means lighting which does not c Ordinance and which will not be used for more than calendar year . Temporary lighting is intended for us limited duration ; e . g . holiday decorations , civic even
Total outdoor light output means the maximum tota lumens , from all outdoor light fixtures on a property output as they age ( such as high pressure sodium as defined by the manufacturer , is the value to be c
Unshielded fixture means a fixture that allows light directly from the lamp or indirectly from the fixture o examples .
Watt is the unit used to measure the electrical pow of a lamp .
45.7 Preferred source . Due to their high energy ef characteristics , low-pressure sodium ( LPS ) lamps a throughout the city . Their use is encouraged for ou
45.8 Liqhtinq requirements .
A . Outdoor floodlighting by flood light projection ab except for lamps specifically exempted under subs and properly adjusted motion sensing security ligh 45.6 .
B . All light fixtures which are required to be shielde manner that the shielding complies with the definiti
C . All light fixtures , including security lighting , exce shielded so that the direct illumination shall be con of the source . Particular care is to be taken to assu does not fall onto or across any public or private st lighting fixtures shall be properly adjusted , accordin instructions , to turn off when detected motion ceas
D . No new mercury vapor light fixtures or replacem shall be sold or installed for use as outdoor lighting date of this Ordinance .
Page A- 118 White Paper – Communities Addressing Light Pollution that Af