Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 169

onsibility to maintain . Whenever the business is open during said hours of limited visibility these lights must be on 4.2.2 . Lighting and Illumination .
outside loitering will be allowed by the business owners .
of 3-8-2008 )
Copyright © 2013 by LegalZone . All rights reserved .
Appendix A : White Paper – Communities Addressing Light Pollution that Affect Nighttime Military Training
Intent . The intent of this Section is to limit the spillover of c property line into property possessing a residential zoning Applicability . Unless otherwise provided in these land deve Section shall apply in all zoning districts . The requirement within public rights-of-way . Illumination Standards . Lighting standards are established Compliance with Illumination Standards . Any use or struct improvement in an amount equal to or in excess of 50 per the requirements of this Section . Additional Standards . Illumination installed shall comply w 1 . Automatic Reduction . At 11:00 p . m . each night , all automatically extinguished . This standard shall not ( A ) Lighting associated with an activity that is op ( B ) Lighting associated with an activity that oper such activity does not abut a residential zoni ( C ) Lighting that is required by the building code ( D ) Lighting that is required for public safety purp
2 . Lighting Plan Required . Plans for illumination of bui similar uses shall be provided at the time a building ( A ) All new uses and structures within a comme excluding new uses located within an existin
( B ) Any use or structure within a commercial , ind to renovation , expansion or similar improvem of the value of existing improvements ; ( C ) All new nonresidential uses and structures , s building and similar use located within a resi
( D ) Any nonresidential use or structure located w renovation , expansion or similar improvemen the value of existing improvements .
3 . Format of Lighting Plans . Plans for illumination of b similar uses shall be provided at the time a building with the standards listed below . ( A ) Design . Plans shall be prepared and sealed as otherwise permitted by the Director .
( B ) Plans . Lighting plan or plans , including photo ( 1 ) Overall site plan ; ( 2 ) Vehicular and pedestrian access and ( 3 ) Location of parking stalls ; ( 4 ) Adjacent property lines , including exis ( 5 ) Plan view of all fixtures , including pole ( 6 ) Height of all fixtures ; ( 7 ) Photometric data and statistical analy maintained foot candles , the minimum calculation for foot candles , and simila
( 8 ) Light fixture data including height ma