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creased risk . This was published in 1992 [ 5 ], although it as communicated by letter to the Nurses ’ Health Study searchers in 1987 ; it was subsequently incorporated into eir 1988 questionnaire , and the question formed the asis for findings from the Nurses ’ Health Study of inreased risks of heart attack [ 70 ], breast cancer [ 10 ], and olon cancer [ 54 ] in shift working nurses . Davis et al . [ 9 ] so reported increased risk of breast cancer associated ith history of shift work in a case-control study ; and efore either of these reports , Hansen [ 8 , 71 ] reported creased risk in shift workers in a huge case-control udy in Denmark . Hahn ’ s [ 11 ] idea that another test of e ‘ light-at-night ’ hypothesis is the prediction that blind omen should be at lower risk has also yielded valuable ata . And now a new generation of studies can examine etary interactions with altered light exposures ( such a hift work ), and focus on polymorphic variants in clock enes for possible associations with risk and / or for teractions with other factors that may disrupt circadian hythms .
ote added in proof A study just released has reported a sigficant inverse relation of melatonin and breast cancer risk in the urses ’ Health Study ( Schernhammer ES , Hankinson SE ( 2005 ) rinary melatonin levels and breast cancer risk . JNCI 97:1084 – 7 ).
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Appendix A : White Paper – Communities Addressing Light Pollution that Affect Nighttime Military Training