Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 141

 7KHIDFWLVWKDWOLIHRQRXUSODQHWDWOHDVWOLIHWKDWH[LVWVRQRUQHDUWKHVXUIDFHRIWKH SODQHWLQFOXGLQJKXPDQOLIHLVDGDSWHGIRUIXQFWLRQLQJLQDQHQYLURQPHQWWKDW H[SHULHQFHVERWKOLJKWDQGGDUNQHVV7KLVLVWKHZD\WKH(DUWKZDVIRUPHGDQGPDQFDQ QRWLPSURYHXSRQLW  ,WLVVDLGWKDWZKHQ7HGG\5RRVHYHOWZDVEURXJKWWRWKH*UDQG&DQ\RQKHJD]HGRXWRYHU WKHYLVWDDQGDIWHUDORQJSDXVHVDLG³/HDYHLWDVLWLV-XVWOHDYHLWDVLWLV´³/HDYHLWDV LWLV´GHVFULEHVWKHSUHVFULSWLRQPRVWVXLWDEOHWRWKHQLJKWVN\DVZHOO$VWUXVWHHVIRU WKRVHZKRZLOOIROORZXVLWLVLQFXPEHQWXSRQXVWRDFWDVIDLWKIXOO\DVGLGWKRVHZKR SUHVHUYHGWKDW*UDQG&DQ\RQIRUXVDVLWLV  6LQFHUHO\  .HLWK-.UXHJHU 6HFWLRQ/HDGHU ,QWHUQDWLRQDO'DUNVN\$VVRFLDWLRQ   $WWDFKPHQWV ±&RDOLWLRQ5HVSRQVHWR5HVRXUFH*XLGH ±,QWHUQDWLRQDO'DUN6N\0RGHO/LJKWLQJ2UGLQDFH 0/2  SDJHH[FHUSW  ±$UWLILFLDOOLJKWLQJLQWKHLQGXVWULDOL]HGZRUOGFLUFDGLDQGLVUXSWLRQDQGEUHDVWFDQFHU ±'U6WHYHQ/RFNOH\OHWWHURQHIIHFWVRIVWUHHWOLJKWLQJ 25, 2011 Dark Sky Stakeholders Group m: The Coalition for Safe and Responsible Lighting The Proposed Resource Guide and Report Coalition for Safe and Responsible Lighting has some serious concerns with the Proposed Resource Guide and rt. The following is a summary of our concerns for your consideration: The Resource Guide and report does not take into account the costs to businesses that would be incurred to comply with the changes provided by the model code. The Coalition has some serious concerns with proposed sign regulations, including the proposed color limitations, sign curfews, and the restrictive night time illumination level for electronic message centers. The Resource Guide should be based on environmentally, safety and fiscally responsible lighting standards, no just to protect the astronomy community’s interests. The approach in the Resource Guide will create an undu hardship and economic impact on the business community. Business stakeholders have strong concerns that the Resource Guide does not provide for the safety and security of customers. The Resource Guide does not address the primary cause of “light pollution” such as freeways, streetlights and ball fields. The Resource Guide holds businesses accountable for costly changes but does not require the municipalities t comply with these standards. The Pattern Outdoor Lighting section of the Resource Guide is unnecessary as cities are currently working wel with local businesses to address responsible lighting practices and light pollution in the their cities. Coalition for Safe and Responsible Lighting appreciates your consideration of our concerns. James Carpentier President and CEO Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce Richard Hubbard Steve Helm Arizona State Director International Council of Shopping Centers Richard Hubbard CEO/President Valley Partnership Tim McCabe President Arizona Food Marketing Michelle Ahlmer Executive Director Arizona Retailers Association Michael Mayhew Southern RM/CA Commercial Regional Manager Daktronics Raymond Owens Stacey J. Langford V.P. Member Services Arizona Bankers Association Appendix A: White Paper – Communities Addressing Light Pollution that Affect Nighttime Military Training James B. Carpentier, AICP State & Local Government Affairs Manager International Sign Association Raymond Owens President Arizona Sign Association Page A- 73