Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 121

pressure sodium , fluorescent and metal halide ), th manufacturer , is the value to be considered . For de [ Total Outdoor Light Output ] of this Code , the li tubes is to be included in the total output as follows
Figure 16.22 . Light fixtures with multiple lamps in a single fixture ( left ) and on a single pole ( center , right )
16.23 . � Luminance . The intensity of light reflected or emitted from a unit area of surface , such as a sign face - measured in nits .
16.24 . � Luminous Tube . A glass tube filled with a gas or gas mixture ( including neon , argon , mercury or other gasses ), usually of small diameter ( 10-15 millimeters ), caused to emit light by the passage of an electric current , and commonly bent into various forms for use as decoration or signs . A " neon " tube . Does not include common fluorescent tubes .
16.25 . � Lux . The standard metric unit used to measure illuminance , or the amount of light falling onto a surface , such as a roadway of athletic field . One lux equals one lumen per square meter . One lux equals approximately 0.1 footcandles .
16.26 . � Neon Tube . See Luminous Tube .
16.27 . � Net Acreage . The remaining area after deleting all portions for proposed and existing streets and any Frontage Row of Vehicle Display Area ( s ) within a parcel , subdivision , or multiple contiguous parcels proposed for development .
16.28 . � Nit . The standard unit used to measure the brightness of a surface , such as of a sign . Equivalent to candela per square meter .
16.29 . � Opaque . Opaque means that a material does not transmit light from an internal illumination source . Applied to sign backgrounds , it means that the area surrounding any letters or symbols on the sign allows no light from any internal source to shine though it .
16.30 . � Outdoor Light Fixture . See Luminaire .
16.31 . � Outdoor Light Output , Total . The initial total amount of light , measured in lumens , from all lamps used in outdoor light fixtures . Includes all lights and luminous tubes used for area and decorative lighting , and lights used for external illumination of signs , but does not include lights used to illuminate internally illuminated signs , luminous tubes used in neon signs , or seasonal lighting from typical low-output lamps permitted between Thanksgiving and January 15th . For lamp types that vary in their output as they age ( such as high
A . outdoor light fixtures and luminous tubes in luminaires ) and light fixtures installed on the sides not shielded from above by the structure itself as d be included in the total outdoor light output by sim the lamps and tubes ;
B . outdoor light fixtures and luminous tubes install parking garage decks ), overhangs or roof eaves luminaire are located at least five ( 5 ) feet but less th of the canopy , building edge or overhang are to output as though they produced only one-quarte initial lumen output ;
C . outdoor light fixtures and luminous tubes install parking garage decks ), overhangs or roof eaves luminaire are located at least ten ( 10 ) feet but less edge of the canopy , building edge or overhang are output as though they produced only one-tenth ( 0 lumen output .
D . outdoor light fixtures installed under canopie decks ), overhangs or roof eaves where all parts of thirty ( 30 ) or more feet from the nearest edge of are not to be included in the total outdoor ligh conform to the lamp source and shielding requirem
16.32 . � Parking Garage . A multi-level or covered str outside air . Includes parking facilities under building at more locations than just the automobile entries a
16.33 . � Person . Any individual , tenant , lessee , owner , not limited to firm , business , partnership , joint ventu
16.34 . � Residential . All single-family residential land us housing such as single-family detached and duplexes
16.35 . � Searchlight . A lighting assembly designed to dire specific tightly focused direction ( a beam ) with a refl with a swiveled or gimbaled mount to allow the a lights are used commonly to sweep the sky for adve
Appendix A : White Paper – Communities Addressing Light Pollution that Affect Nighttime Military Training