Dobbins JLUS IMP Public Draft Light Pollution Study | Page 109

What is the purpose of the MAG Dark Sky Stakeholders Group ?
The purpose of the Stakeholders Group is to collect information on outdoor light pollution , review best practices in lighting codes , and to develop a draft Pattern Outdoor Lighting Code that could be used by MAG member agencies for updating their respective outdoor lighting codes .
How can I find more information on the MAG Dark Sky Stakeholders Group ?
All information on this topic can be found on the Dark Sky project page of the MAG website : http :// www . azmag . gov / Projects / Project . asp ? CMSID = 1082
Who are the MAG Dark Sky Stakeholders Group staff contacts ? municipalities and Native American Indian communities adequacy and enforcement of their respective lighting o
What is a pattern code ?
The term “ pattern code ” means that the code is a guid to suit each community . The POLC does not intend t all communities or situations . It offers instead a compre to the control of the obtrusive aspects of outdoor light these aspects . The POLC is intended for use by any wishes to create a new , or update an existing , outdoor
What is the need and purpose for an outdoor lighting c
Jami Garrison , MAG Socioeconomic Research Program Manager
jgarrison @ azmag . gov
Nathan Pryor , MAG Intergovernmental Policy Coordinator
npryor @ azmag . gov
MAG staff can be reached at ( 602 ) 254-6300 .
Who participated in discussions of the MAG Dark Sky Stakeholders Group ?
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To permit reasonable uses of outdoor lighting fo enjoyment while preserving the ambiance of th To conserve energy and resources to the great To minimize glare and obtrusive light by limiting excessive , or unnecessary . To encourage optimum use of outdoor lighting
A number of MAG member agencies , citizens , interested parties and private sector representatives had varying levels of participation in discussions of the MAG Dark Sky Stakeholders Group . A list of participants is included in the appendix of this document .
Why did MAG develop a Pattern Outdoor Lighting Code ?
�� To assist MAG member agencies in updating existing outdoor lighting codes
�� To help preserve Arizona astronomy - a $ 250 million per year economic impact for Arizona .
�� To help the member agencies and business save energy as well as costs by recognizing and prohibiting unshielded and excessive outdoor lighting . Luginbuhl & Lockwood ( 2008 ) estimate that up to $ 30 million per year could be saved in Arizona
In the summer of 2008 the MAG Executive Director was approached by a member of the International Dark Sky Association with a request to make a presentation to all MAG member agencies on the growing outdoor light pollution in the MAG region . The International Dark Sky Association saw MAG as an efficient way to reach many jurisdictions . They offered staff from the astronomy community to help MAG form a stakeholders group and create a Pattern Outdoor Lighting Code ( POLC ).
Dr . Buell Januzzi , Past Director of the Kitt Peak Observatory , provided a report to the MAG Management Committee and Regional Council about issues related to outdoor light pollution in MAG region . He explained that outdoor light pollution represents a potential waste in energy and related energy costs , and degrades the visibility of our night skies . This affects the world-class observatories located in Arizona . During the presentations , the counties ,
What about existing lighting ( grandfathering )?
MAG legal counsel advises that it is difficult in Arizona t new code requirements , unless there is a change in the in Arizona , including this POLC , grandfather any ins regulations . New installations and major modifications effect ; the POLC does not mandate the replacement o replacement . The value of the replacement must ex either one instant or through cumulative changes before
What about retrofitting ? Is there additional expense for
There are no requirements for retrofitting existing ligh and signs will not be affected by adoption of the POLC .
Does the Pattern Outdoor Lighting Code regulate stree
Section 3.5 of the POLC addresses public roadwa roadways and pedestrian lighting must comply with Section 4.2 . Typically the municipality ’ s Street or implements street lighting standards .
Appendix A : White Paper – Communities Addressing Light Pollution that Affect Nighttime Military Training